• Blogs Wot I Read - Hot Off The Presses

    Zimbabwe: An Yue Jiang Lost, Stolen, or Strayed?

    The An Yue Jiang, the Chinese ship that’s supposed to be carrying tons of arms for Zimbabwe left Durban for port or ports unknown; some thought it was headed for nearby Mozambique, but the Mozambicans pulled an Amy Winehouse and denied it access (after first denying it was headed their way, hmm). Now it’s thought to be headed to Angola (there’s a lovely thought, how much of the cargo will actually stay in whatever port eventually accepts it?). The BBC News site has some smuggled video footage (they are banned from officially reporting from within Zimbabwe, but get around it).…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    General Strike in Zimbabwe 15APR08

    This is Zimbabwe The General Strike is on, starting tomorrow. Please can everyone spread the news as widely as possible. Zimbabweans, phone everyone you can think of and tell them to phone everyone they can think of and just pass on and on and on. If you are in the diaspora, please phone home and tell them and do the same.