• Uncategorical Weirdness

    Listened: Boston Children’s Chorus #MLK Concert On From The Top@NPR

    I like to listen to Internet radio stations and sometimes stumble across some gems; this youth choir was outstanding. Their version of “Alleluia” was crisp and pure, and the young people the hosts interviewed had such inspiring stories. I’ve sung that piece recently, this performance totally rocks. This week, from the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, From the Top celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through the eyes of today’s teenagers. You’ll hear the superb Boston Children’s Chorus sing several inspiring pieces and meet a 17-year-old bassoonist whose path parallels Coretta Scott King’s…

  • Politics, Schmolitics

    Sen. Durbin Takes On James OKeefe | @RepJoeWalsh needs schooling

    NPR may be in a defensive crouch, but at least one Democratic lawmaker is publicly pushing back against James OKeefes war on public broadcasting: Sen. Dick Durbin D-IL.Durbin took to the Senate floor on Monday to mount a defense of NPR and PBS and attack OKeefes credibility. Noting that previous OKeefe tapes have been found to be misleadingly edited, including his footage of ACORN in which he posed as a pimp, Durbin said that the same tactics were being used to go after NPR. He cited a widely circulated analysis by Glenn Becks website, The Blaze, as evidence.”Mr. OKeefe appears…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Linkdump: January 3rd – January 9th

    FOX News cuts away from ‘Giffords vigil’ when Sarah Palin’s name is mentioned | Crooks and LiarsWhy did Shepard Smith urge viewers to stay tuned for the press conference coming up, only for FOX to cut away abruptly in mid-sentence after they showed a man at the vigil invoke Sarah Palin? DonationsPossible ethics violation, attending fundraiser on Capitol grounds and specifically calling it “swearing in” Social Security 101 | Crooks and LiarsNeed to listen to the Crazy 8’s song “Johnny Q” NPR.org » New Medical School Model: Adopt A Family To TreatHeard this story, like the concept of community medicine.…

  • Hot Off The Presses

    Shared Links February 25th – March 7th

    Facebook | Ethan Alexander Jewett’s Photos – Bishop Lee’s visit to St. Nicholas SLink » Blog Archive » Second Life Tutorial – Using the newly supported .png format to create transparent textures in Photoshop! Possible hints re SL plant textures NPR.org » Pentagon Gunman Dies Hours After Being Shot Fruit ‘blocks breast cancer’ Way to ‘boost’ breast cancer drug

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Taking One For The Team

    @NPR ‘s Linda Holmes watcthed the Super Bowl so I didn’t have to, and snarks bettter than I ever could. Notable and Dubious Achievements From Super Bowl XLIV – Monkey See Blog : NPR. It’s all over, and the New Orleans Saints — a team whose bags-over-the-head years I am not too old to remember — are the Super Bowl champions. Now that the big trophy has been handed out, let’s distribute some of the smaller ones.

  • Mini-Posts

    Shared Links November 13th

    The Gut Response To What We Eat : NPR School’s past comes to light — chicagotribune.com – WordPress › SimplePie Core « WordPress Plugins – Required plugin for use with Postalicious Ex-Congressman William Jefferson Gets 13 Years Prison Time – Of course he should – crooks deserve to go to prison. | none Republicans Are Shocked The Public Is Mad At Them For Voting Against Franken’s Anti-Rape Amendment – “So basically, the only lesson they learned is that next time, they have to hide their votes when they decide to screw over women’s rights. That way, they can support their…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics

    Lipstick on a Pig, Take 2

    First, NPR did an audio story direct from a pig farm in Virginia. Yes, they put Ruby Red lipstick on a black-and-white pig. It was a piece that left much to the imagination, and perhaps it’s better that way. Because apparently now it’s a trend: news organizations are falling all over themselves putting lipstick on pigs. Here’s the link to the Chicago Tribune video (yeah, they do video on their website. And they prove, unequivocally, that there’s really no amount of artful makeup techniques or products that can improve the appearance of a porker. With the possible exception of a…