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    Tweetly Weeks

    Listening to @NPR coverage of #Brussels today. Courage to all there. 2016-03-22 Also will listen to #PresidentObama address from Cuba. The Cubans will see/hear him too. We will listen together. #HolaCuba 2016-03-22 @KerriMPR Interested to hear. I'm in corp travel so this news is very troubling. in reply to KerriMPR 2016-03-22 @xeni Has Shouty McTinyhands given his inscrutable opinion yet? Did you see the WashPost ed. Board piece? in reply to xeni 2016-03-22 I can't believe we could elect a glorified condo sales hack to the highest office in the land. #DrumpfOnChina https://t.co/b5a8d2mO0X 2016-03-22 Obama on human rights: is this…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    Goodbye, @SenatorKirk. If you support Drumpf, you should be dumped. https://t.co/1Io0SNANGV 2016-03-13 So, voting happened. 2016-03-15 Watching #Tonightly and laughing at Trump doubling down on the dumb. Don't elect Dumblemore, kids! 2016-03-15 This helps bring the national discourse back up to an adult level. https://t.co/2Wwq3STIwA 2016-03-15 @larrywilmore You've seen this, right? https://t.co/2Wwq3STIwA 2016-03-15 Oh my! Some election results are pretty good in Illinois…. 2016-03-15 RT @Stonekettle: You don't got Little Marco to kick around anymore! <kicks dirt. Stomps off> Bitches 2016-03-15 RT @EdwardGLuce: Never has so much money been spent by so many candidates to such little effect. Pol consultants…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    RIP Nancy Reagan. I expect at least one GOP candidate will use the funeral and/or entombment for unseemly photo ops. 2016-03-06 Because: RT @FoxNews Nancy Reagan will be buried at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library…https://t.co/atNP7KL0Vd https://t.co/H7BgjmOT5b 2016-03-06 Spy Magazine called it first: #ShortFingeredVulgarian #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain 2016-03-07 Sweating it out. Our new cat Pearl undergoes a dental procedure today. We just got her Saturday, pick her back up later today. 2016-03-07 Buddy Foundation works with local vets to provide medical and dental care for adoptsble pets that https://t.co/sLjCrYMvgD cant provide. 2016-03-07 When we adopted Pearl her chart said "dental." Hope its just…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    my diabetes journey: Currently 194.16 lbs and — % body fat. #progress #TourdeCure https://t.co/yhBcjTjamm 2016-02-28 I wore Crocs to see the awesome Deadpool movie. Don't judge me. Hashtag #Clueless 2016-02-28 RT @RealDonalDrumpf YUUUGE. Classy. I like it. #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain https://t.co/5RbIhZRbbq 2016-02-29 Can nearsighted parrot ex-banker @iamjohnoliver turn GOP triumphalism into GOP Drumpfalism? #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain 2016-02-29 What are the principle of Drumpfalism, anyway? Please forward research and speculation to @iamjohnoliver 2016-02-29 RT @kfury: I'm starting to use "Make [x] Great Again" in everyday life. Last weekend's goal was "Make the Garage Great Again". 2016-02-29 @kfury I like that. I'm going to make folding…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    Recall Mitch McConnell, and get someone to do his job. 2016-02-23 The @HuffPost's Politics section: Editor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully… 2016-02-24 Every @HuffPost politics story adds this. Because we nobody wants a serial lying racist misogynist xenophobe birther bully as President. 2016-02-24 Apparently the American electorate are rilly big fans of The Apprentice? 2016-02-24 Is this an election or sweeps? It's all about the ratings, ad revenue, and overnights any more. 2016-02-24 RT @LentMadness: Today in the Saintly Smackdown it's Sojourner Truth against Soren Kierkegaard. Vote now! https://t.co/j6J9jBd7Yv 2016-02-24 No,…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    PHX lunch stop (@ Hookmeup Gourmet Sandwiches) on #Yelp https://t.co/EMC7QaPC42 2016-02-14 Hookmeup Gourmet Sandwiches on #Yelp: Great sandwiches with natural ingredients, extensive meat and veggie options.… https://t.co/tME8J1IUSr 2016-02-14 Moving On From Picasa? WTH, Google?: Goddamit, Google, not again. You're retiring yet another essen… https://t.co/K65KeeBRtB 2016-02-14 Cant I just stay in the hot shower? Its the only place my allergies and congestion are better. 2016-02-17 Fabulous place! (@ Kingfisher Bar & Grill) on #Yelp https://t.co/Sbyi0NTh3S 2016-02-18 One Term Wonder Joe Walsh: Who's The Ass Again?: So glad this guy got booted out after just one ter… https://t.co/PIAW2qHI05 2016-02-19

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    Tweetly Weeks

    Workaround for Last.fm: Universal Scrobbler: I listen to a LOT of music via Internet radio streams,… https://t.co/B6cRsm0N9W 2016-01-10 Today and Yesterday and a couple of days after tomorrow: Today my husband David and I got together … https://t.co/0L04OTXKOf 2016-01-10 Godspeed, David Bowie. I'm feeling shocked and bereft. 2016-01-11 RT @DavidBowieReal: January 10 2016 – David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle… http… 2016-01-11 Listening to Internet streams playing #Bowie today. https://t.co/AbderpGVWY 2016-01-11 Listening to radio streams playing #Bowie. Lyrics keep jumping out: "I am a DJ. I am what I play." #Bowieisms…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    RT @Oregonian: The Bundy family vows to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge HQ near Burns for years https://t.co/OfuNNh4uZX https:/… 2016-01-03 If You're Young, Here's Why Old Bernie Sanders Looks Good: Young voters, please read: https://t.co/feLwDTmRKy 2016-01-04 Robert Llewellyn's Amazing Underwater Solar Powered Electric Car: Expect @bobbyllew to fix a typo… https://t.co/iJT8IJN8Eg 2016-01-04 Ask @bobbyllew about his amazing underwater solar powered electric car – https://t.co/o3O6Vf5R8i 2016-01-04 Also wondering what @bobbyllew thought of Pres. Obama's recent joyride with that unoriginal comedian. 2016-01-04 Hey, #PeppyEpiphany, everyone, let's lighten things up. #Episcopal https://t.co/pnpt6T89lw 2016-01-06 @ExpanseSyfy yes, I want to play with those ship…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    @LinBrehmer We both forgive you. Who's the other one again? 2015-12-30 Off work tomorrow, so better screw up as much as I can today. #WorkEthic 2015-12-30 You know what? Mature women need heroes too. #ImWithCarrie 2015-12-30 @LinBrehmer We both forgive you. Who's the other one again? 2015-12-30 MT @chicagotribune Philippine priest reprimanded for riding hoverboard at Christmas Eve Mass https://t.co/nyqIkTHfQv https://t.co/XB3k735hrv 2015-12-30 At Christmas Eve Mass at @StNickEpiscopal all Father Manny did was turn the lights off for a while. https://t.co/8jWOHraPGa 2015-12-30 But then he turned them back on, because symbolism. @StNickEpiscopal does that. #ChristmasEve 2015-12-30 George Lucas comparing Disney…

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    Tweetly Weeks

    Singing in the choir at @StNickEpiscopal #Episcopal 2015-12-24 Wow! "Wayfaring Strangers" with a signed card by @fiona_ritchie https://t.co/C7mO3W72GF #Unwrapped https://t.co/0xvm4ELyy5 2015-12-25 Sang the Christmas Eve service last night at @StNickEpiscopal – it was beautiful 2015-12-25 What'd you get, what'd you get? #Unwrapped 2015-12-25 We're having brunch later; me and my sister-in-law are the only Christmas kids, the rest of our Jewish family coming to hang out and eat. 2015-12-25 Hey, @WBEZ – please pick up "The Thistle and Shamrock" by @fiona_ritchie. Long time listener here… https://t.co/GCOdroPtgL 2015-12-25 @Lil_Henstridge Mmm, cauliflower. We like mashing it up with butter and parmesan after…