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    Weekly Tweets 2012-05-13

    Just getting the hang of Tweetdeck on my new computer, nothing to see here. # Washing, drying, sorting, folding Mt Laundry into a small foothill of unmatched socks. #fb # Waiting to board. Luggage tag spotted on very slim petite lady's bag: "My clothes wont look good on you." # We picked out some sessions to attend. Promise we wont heckle. #commonug w/ @fallingrock # Old news. Abby Sciutto told us all about it. #NCIS #science #FTW RT @TPM Scientists develop graphene 'paper': http://t.co/iK6YZNbz # On board. Oh boy. # RT @fallingrock Skulking class at @ericjooka's get a life session…

  • Home Improvement - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - Second Life - The Never-Ending Bloga - Tumblog

    Dusting It Off, Coff Coff

    Yes, yes, Ginny Who? here. It’s been a busy and eventful few months since our vacation in Hawaii… whoa, really. There’s a lot going on in the family (can’t blog about that) and there’s a lot going on at Holy Moly (hey, Faddah Manny is our vicar now!). My husband David had a little contretemps with a local streetlamp the other day while riding his bike, and now sports a nifty scrape on one of his legs. He pointed the lamppost out tonight on our way back from dinner with his brother Dan and said “That’s the lamppost. I’m plotting…

  • Home Improvement - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - Second Life - The Never-Ending Bloga - Tumblog

    Dusting It Off, Coff Coff

    Yes, yes, Ginny Who? here. It’s been a busy and eventful few months since our vacation in Hawaii… whoa, really. There’s a lot going on in the family (can’t blog about that) and there’s a lot going on at Holy Moly (hey, Faddah Manny is our vicar now!). My husband David had a little contretemps with a local streetlamp the other day while riding his bike, and now sports a nifty scrape on one of his legs. He pointed the lamppost out tonight on our way back from dinner with his brother Dan and said “That’s the lamppost. I’m plotting…

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-04-22

    At Bombay Chopsticks. Never noticed it until recently. # High winds here, not far from ORD # RT @fallingrock It's less than 60 days till the #TourdeCure still looking for sponsors. Visit http://t.co/tjYkvvKt to sponsor David # Powered by Twitter Tools

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-04-15

    Absolutely stuffed. All that and #Ikeahasmeatballs # At @MythBusters exhibit at Chicago Museum of Science and Industry: my toast landed on its side! @donttrythis http://t.co/KZvfMHxe # I checked in at Bombay Chopsticks (721 W Golf Rd) on #Yelp http://t.co/0l2KLTp4 # Powered by Twitter Tools

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-04-08

    Thanks @KrisKaine , here I am on my parcel in #LUsRGrid . Read the whole story at http://t.co/kS4lUN28 http://t.co/3avRgwt4 # Aw, "Faddah" Manny made a video for Holy Week: http://t.co/RGTNMrYu # Singing tonight, singing solo acapella piece IN THE DARK Saturday night, and the Hallelujah Chorus, too. http://t.co/0rj5ewx4 # I also tweet as @StNickEpiscopal and do the church website. Holy Week is upon us, my music folder is FULL. #HolyWeek # Listening to @WBEZ play Aretha Franklin on "Sound Opinions" and losing it. So beautiful. # Powered by Twitter Tools

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-04-01

    A lot of people at work wearing hoodies. So am I. #fb #hoodiemonday #JusticeForTrayvon #TheChristianLeft # An entire family at @StNickEpiscopal wore hoodies yesterday, I wore one today not knowing about #hoodiemonday #fb # RT @iboudreau @Shopaholic_918: "Wait, The Supremes are having a concert in DC?" Sure, singing Baby, Baby Where Did Our Health Care Go # Gun-toting flier stopped by TSA at airport, was coming off "detox treatment." Does he need deFox treatment? #crazyeyes http://t.co/bFNtwfP5 # RT @StNickEpiscopal Lots of special music for Maundy Thursday (April 5, 700pm) and Easter Vigil (April 7, 800pm) that won't be repeated. #…

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-03-25

    Voted. Power out at polling place. I roll my eyes at the conspiracy theorist in the semi-darkness. # RT @havewhatusay @markm1962 Help Tammy Duckworth give Rep Joe Walsh more time to spend with his kids | http://t.co/4AH7Ejsy #p2 #democrats # Voted for Tammy Duckworth, a vet who can give @RepJoeWalsh the boot! (yes, I know her story). # Can't wait to wave bye-bye to national embarassment @RepJoeWalsh # Does #DeadbeatDad and noted political blowhard @RepJoeWalsh @Rep_JoeWalsh have a potential Google problem yet? # Because #DeadbeatDadJoeWalsh needs to trend #tpot #p2 #IL08 # I just used #Shazam to discover Sleepyhead by…

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    Weekly Tweets 2012-03-11

    Hello @United, need help with Premier Exec Gold traveler, traveling in 005 CO ticket, we can't exchange return? # A client in biz class bought tkts on CO, now on revalidated UA flights, he wants change return. We can't do even exchange. #United # Based on the tweets in @United queue, lots of unhappy travel agents and Premier members. #United #merger # Still waiting for response from @United, need to do partially-used intl even exchange of CO ticket to UA, orig issued 02MAR12 # #United merger not as smooth as NW/DL merger. We could exch NW tickets for DL for…