• Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Sewing And Quilting

    I may dabble in mask making again… singing without a mask is too damn risky

    Masks for singers: design specializations for breathability, filtration, fit and acoustics based on the science of singing, particles & COVID. — Read on makermask.org/constructing-masks-for-singers/amp/ Someone at church contracted Covid during Holy Week; we’ve relaxed mask requirements, but now that seems risky. Especially for those of us in the choir, and though we have “singers’ masks,” they’re not very good. Meanwhile, infection rates are trending upward, a young family member tested positive, and an older family member has an upper respiratory infection (not Covid). It seems to me that we’ll see a summer spike as people attend large events – we’re…

  • Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Stress-Induced Total Immobility Syndrome: Too Much SITS, not enough getting ‘er done (till now).

    Here’s one of my church chums giving the sermon today, in a badass ensemble consisting of a prayer stole or preaching stole and a fine Cubs T-shirt. We’re still in Summer Casual mode at Holy Moly. When I’m under pressure and feeling overwhelmed, I SITS around a lot watching TV, goofing around on Twitter, and sending texts and postcards to random Congresspeople and government departement secretaries. Yesterday, I was up against a hard time limit and solved a technical issue with one of my website/blogs that’s been frustrating me for months. So, finally, I went back to church at Holy…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Politics, Schmolitics

    Remembering Pete Seeger: The Banks Of Marble

    My friend the late Fr. Paul Brouillette was huge Seeger fan and fellow banjo player; he once played and sang this in church. He was that kind of guy, and today he welcomes his hero to the celestial jam session. I once heard a young Occupy Chicago protester sing it via a live Internet feed. Still relevant, still rousing the rabble, Seeger’s passing means the banksters have one less whiny folksinger to criticize them.

  • Home Improvement - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - Second Life - The Never-Ending Bloga - Tumblog

    Dusting It Off, Coff Coff

    Yes, yes, Ginny Who? here. It’s been a busy and eventful few months since our vacation in Hawaii… whoa, really. There’s a lot going on in the family (can’t blog about that) and there’s a lot going on at Holy Moly (hey, Faddah Manny is our vicar now!). My husband David had a little contretemps with a local streetlamp the other day while riding his bike, and now sports a nifty scrape on one of his legs. He pointed the lamppost out tonight on our way back from dinner with his brother Dan and said “That’s the lamppost. I’m plotting…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things - Hawaii - Home Improvement - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Potential images for my banner from Hawaii trip, and Father Manny’s Purple Poncho

    Ho, well, I never post anymore, blah de blah. We had a wonderful time in Hawaii, pictures are all still on my laptop and need to be culled and copied to my desktop machine. However, I found a few on the card that was in my camera this morning when I took a picture of Father Manny in his purple Lenten poncho (okay, church purists, it’s a chausuble). Here’s one of his photo-op pictures, which will shortly be uploaded to the St Nicholas Facebook page and used on the website for the rest of Lent. I enjoy “Faddah” Manny’s sermons…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Fannie May Fundraiser: Chocolate Pix

    We’re doing a Fannie May Chocolates fundraiser at St Nick’s and a friend who lives pretty far from me wants to get something. Unfortunately, we can’t do it by credit card (unless I maybe have her pay my PayPal account – IDEA!) or she mails me a check. At least getting the chocolates to her is a snap: I can put her mailing address on the order form and they’ll go direct to her. She wants Mint Meltaways and an assortment, but I need to know which size box, and which assortment. Also, there’s sugar free Mint Meltaways now. Rather…

  • Dear Mom - Food, Glorious Food - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    The Weekend of Awesome

    Let’s see… it’s Wednesday, so I’ve finally recovered from the barrage of total neatorama that occured last weekend. My husband David’s birthday luau, and some HTML and CSS geekery, and then on Sunday evening, we actually MADE IT TO WOOTSTOCK V2.2 IN CHICAGO!!!!!!!11!! (my bangs, they go to 11). If you’ve spent any time reading here, you know we’re really big fans of going to Hawaii, and we’ve been to a bunch of luaus and other Hawaiian-type dinner shows over the years. We’ve even gone with friends, and done goofy things with them just because we were in Hawaii. But…

  • Episcopal - Music - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Lo, he comes with clouds descending

    Got to sing this at the early service, but at a brisker pace and with no fancy soprano descant at the end. Lawd, that’s a pretty one! Must pass that one along to Her Musical Nibs at St Nick’s for next year. Lo, he comes with clouds descending | Seven whole days [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/jjn3fBTvBjY" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /]

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Religion

    Tempestuous Teapot: Never Mind! No Reciprocal Border Crossing Planned

    As you were. #episcopalian #anglican #kerfuffle PRELUDIUM: Bp. Anderson paranoia a copy-cat caper. Bishop David Anderson let loose with a dozy of a conspiracy theory last week. I reported on it HERE. It turns out the theory was lifted from a though piece by The Rev’d Geoffrey M. St.J. Hoare, the rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia. That essay was picked up by Jonathan Wynne-Jones in an article titled, “Americans planning to start a civil war in the Church of England.” The thread was in turn picked up by Episcopal Cafe in “One plus one equals six…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things - Hot Off The Presses - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Wait, How Do You Grow By Excluding People Again?

    As a liberal Episcopalian, I cheered and was cheered by the passage of several inclusive, progressive resolutions at the recently concluded convention. We can go forward now, I think. #ecgc Pared-Down Episcopal Church Is Looking to Grow Through ‘Inclusivity’ – NYTimes.com Not everybody agrees with this view, or is happy about the changes – even some in my own state, in the two more conservative dioceses downstate, away from the Chicago urban/suburban area. They are genuinely grieved, and they believe that the church is in the process of ruining itself. I don’t agree; I think we are finally ready to…