Looks like by about now Rosie will be making an honest woman of her girlfriend at last. This was supposed to happen around 1 o’clock local time, but you know how sometimes things run on “Wedding Time.” Mazeltov! Congrats! (Civil disobedience by civil servants – woohoo!)
We went to the concert at the church with David’s parents and two of their friends. Enjoyed the music and dessert, then went to Brass for dinner. Very nice evening, we actually enjoy socializing with the ‘rents and the ‘rents friends (a fact that causes them no end of wonder, but we really do). As my mom-in-law was removing her coat, I realized she was wearing a “No Bush” button. I just love her to pieces!
Could Chicago be next in the gay-marriage stakes? Da Mare has no problem, and County Clerk David Orr says he’s “game.” “A devout Catholic, Daley scoffed at the suggestion that gay marriage would somehow undermine the institution of marriage between a man and a woman. “Marriage has been undermined by divorce, so don’t tell me about marriage. You’re not going to lecture me about marriage. People should look at their own life and look in their own mirror. Marriage has been undermined for a number of years if you look at the facts and figures on it. Don’t blame the…
Concerts Today’s the last Sanctuary Concert at 4pm at the church – I guess I never bothered to post it here because the only people reading this blog are apparently my sister, my husband, 2 humans in an undisclosed location, and several dozen robots. But here’s the skinny on it: The Celebration Brass Quintet Sunday, February 22nd, at 4 pm Mardi Gras comes to Holy Innocents! Holy Innocents Episcopal Church 425 Illinois Blvd Hoffman Estates IL Tickets $10.00 / $8.00 students and seniors Call 847-885-7900 for more information And now… yep, late for church, gotta scoot!
More on the gay-marriage issue, this time from my former “home town” paper: The Salt Lake Tribune — Utah same-sex couple fly to S.F. to tie the knot “This is an actual marriage license. It looks the same as any other marriage license,” Jane Marquardt said. “This may confer more benefits, and if not, since the Utah Legislature seems bound and determined to pass more laws that we will never recognize same-sex marriage here, at least it makes a statement.” This is the basis of the discussion David and I have been having the last week or so – he…
I always cry at weddings, but this one makes me especially blubby and happy: Who could look at them and say that’s not true love??? 51 years?? I was a little verklemmt (spelling??) when I read the original news story just now (via the Salty Vicar’s site), but got seriously teary when I realized that someone farther up the line had saved the image as “true-love.” Aww! I really, really, really “heart” San Francisco. I feel like sending flowers to the workers at City Hall. But I bet others already have. As of a few minutes ago, the weddings continue…
You know, I left the house this morning, really late. As a choir member, I’m supposed to be there, suited up in my penguin duds and ready to go about 15 minutes to 10am. This fact is unchanging except for Summer Time, when we meet earlier and the other parish we’re yoked with meets later, since they have some kind of air conditioning and we don’t. For some reason, I choose to forget this fact every week until about 940am or later, and have to rush around finding socks and purse and choosing something to wear that won’t make other…
I have this feeling that choir practice will be cancelled again tonight. They Who Must Be Obeyed (a loose conglomeration of older ladies who really run things) usually cancel if there’s a light dusting of snow (the “coverlet for a hobbit’s toes” kind). I can’t blame them – if one of them fell, it could be catastrophic. Our previous vicar was from Virginia and never did get hardened off to winter, ice, snow, and that sort of thing, but she’s moved back there now and no longer has to deal with the issue of “to cancel or not” when the…
A word to the Episcopal Church… from the Presiding Bishop. The Chicago Tribune(subscription) notes that the statement “ignored a challenge to the denomination’s leadership.” And about the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes? – least said, soonest mended. And the “state of the parish?” Still looking for a new vicar/rector. Still not listed at the diocesan “clergy positions open” page as of this writing, which was supposed to happen by now, I think. Here’s my crappy Front Page website for the parish. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of switching the site over to Moveable Type. MT is just…
What’s On the AOL Tuner: Andreas Vollenweider: Cosmopoly That’s nice, hadn’t heard any of old Andreas’ music in a long time. I used to listen to one of his first albums a lot years ago in Seattle. They were talking on ::NPR this morning about it being the 40th anniversary of the Surgeon General’s report that advised us all that smoking is bad for us. I wonder if incense counts as second-hand smoke? It sure set off the sniffling and coughing, and it makes my throat tight – not a good thing if you’re trying to sing.