• Good and Joyful Things

    Go, Benton County! Come On, Lane!

    Another creative action by civil(ly disobedient) servants Oregon county bans all marriage: “It may seem odd,” Benton County Commissioner Linda Modrell told Reuters in a telephone interview, but “we need to treat everyone in our county equally.” State Attorney General Hardy Myers said in a statement that he was “very pleased” with Benton County’s decision. “It is my sincere hope that the legal process will provide clarity for each of Oregon’s counties.” I just love it when government types use stuffy pol-speak to endorse tricky issues. Now come ON, Lane County, OSU is stealing a march. The home of the…

  • Good and Joyful Things


    Two Setbacks for Advocates of Same-Sex Marriage BOSTON, March 11 — In near-simultaneous setbacks to advocates of same-sex marriage, Massachusetts legislators gave preliminary approval this afternoon to a state amendment banning gay marriages while the California Supreme Court ordered the City of San Francisco to halt gay marriages. Phooey. If Cook County decides to start issuing licenses, I happen to know that the Sparrow’s Nest thrift store recently received a shipment of one hundred wedding dresses. Come on, David Orr! Come on, Cook County! Time to step up to the plate. Think on the camp potential there, ladies and ladies…

  • Good and Joyful Things

    Get On The Bus

    Seen at Clack: Log Cabin Republicans challenge Bush on marriage The group’s move, which shatters the fragile alliance between the president and his strongest backers in the gay community, could undermine efforts to renew the “compassionate conservative” appeal he used four years ago. The ad shows Cheney in the 2000 vice presidential debate, saying of gay marriage: “People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into. . . . That matter is regulated by the states. I think different states are likely to come to different conclusions, and that’s appropriate. I don’t think…

  • Good and Joyful Things

    Payback’s A Bitch

    There’s always a local angle on national news: The Salt Lake Tribune — Boy Scout decision disappoints LDS Church. You know, if you’re going to support a an organization that discriminates against people, you’d better be prepared to pay for it yourself, rather than expecting subsidies from government or corporate entities that do not discriminate. Waaah, I say. Waaah, waaaah, waaah.

  • Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Church Lady / Web Dominatrix

    A typical Sunday at Holy Moly. We had a substitute priest, as Fr. Lundberg is on the beach in Florida somewhere. Our choir party-piece went off all right (a simple round: “When Jesus Wept”), although I blew the last line of the third repeat. However, I was singing third voice (of four) so I doubt anybody but Scott, the Ineffable Bass, noticed. Bob the organist played a variation on “Hylfrydol” by Ralph Vaughn Williams for the postlude – that seemed to go off well. After the service, he asked me to look into getting a small amount budgeted so he…

  • Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    But What About St. Sam’s?

    Via AKMA and others, the Church of England announces the formation of a virtual parish and is looking for a “web pastor.” And just what is St. Sam’s? Chopped Liver? (yes, yes, it’s the ANGLICAN mailing list, but their nickname is “The Anglican CyberParish of St. Sam’s)

  • Good and Joyful Things

    One Last Thing

    A friend passed this one along: “When marriage between gays was by rite” Boswell’s book, The Marriage of Likeness: Same Sex Unions in Pre- Modern Europe, lists in detail some same sex union ceremonies found in ancient church liturgical documents. One Greek 13th century “Order for Solemnisation of Same Sex Union” having invoked St Serge and St Bacchus, called on God to “vouchsafe unto these thy servants [N and N] grace to love one another and to abide unhated and not a cause of scandal all the days of their lives, with the help of the Holy Mother of God…

  • Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Ways to List Links (Not Popularity Contests)

    In the past couple of days, I started fooling around with Bloglines – not to replace Blogrolling for keeping track of various sites I visit, but to make it easier to read more sites, more quickly. I felt a bit of concern over the fact that I basically had two identical blogrolls – and wondered if I’d commit a horrible blogging fox paws by dumping the duplicate entries in the Blogrolling list without first making the Bloglines one public. With me so far? Show of mice? Anyway, there were a few daily-read blogs that weren’t available for some reason via…

  • Good and Joyful Things

    Kerry Waffles (With Maple Syrup)

    Kerry Backs State Ban On Gay Marriage (but civil unions are O.K.?) The Redhead Wore Crimson : won’t be voting for Kerry, and I’m thinking neither will I, unless he waffles back over the line. Dang it — people should be free to marry the person of their choice (there – nobody marryin’ no trees nor dogs around here. And no multiples). I’ve had it with the “holy matrimony” bullhocky argument — I heard some Episcopal rector from Texas on :NPR earlier today, solemnly intoning that marriage was a gift from God. Eep. He’s from the other end of the…