The only US jurisdiction currently to allow homosexual weddings has suspended them while equally moving to grant such unions historic legal recognition. A circuit judge in Multnomah County, Oregon, ordered a freeze on gay marriage licenses to give the State Legislature a chance to formalise them. Judge Frank Bearden also ordered the state to recognise the 3,022 licenses issued in the county since 3 March. The move is a first for the entire US, where the issue has divided opinion. There are plenty of related links in the right hand column in this article. When I lived in Oregon, in…
BBC NEWS | Americas | Florida gays in marriage lawsuit This puts Brother Jeb in the spotlight again.
BBC NEWS | Africa | African clergy reject ‘gay’ funds Well, there had better be a trust set up for them somewhere, or divert it to charities.
BBC NEWS | Africa | African clergy reject ‘gay’ funds Well, there had better be a trust set up for them somewhere, or divert it to charities.
Via AKMA’s Random Thoughts: Fools’ Errand, a new interactive virtual church experiment at Ship of Fools. With pews made from pixels, the congregation logging in from their home computers and the collection sent in by mobile phone, the world’s first 3D online church is going to be church like never before. The House of God is set to become the Mouse of God. Well, it sounds interesting, might be fun to log in and check it out when they get it running – it begins May 11th, but they’re still looking for funding.
I just can’t believe this: Yahoo! News – Poll: Most Americans Oppose Gay Marriage
The Ineffable Bass asks: Hopefully you haven’t ruined your mind yet with that Harry Potter stuff, ’cause I have a question: What time is the choir assembling on Thursday night? And the service is at 8 pm, right? We’re getting there at about 730pm, the Maundy Thursday service is at 8pm. The vigil lasts until midnight, but the formal service (that we sing at) isn’t longer than a normal service, IIRC. Which reminds me that I really need to update the church website. Eeesh, Front Page. Eeesh.
Maybe this program might be interesting to suggest for later in the year at Holy Moly, once we get past Easter and Pentecost.
There is nothing good or joyful about this. Disgusting, shameful, and sad. I’m going to bed.
Tonight there was a Taize’ service at Holy Moly, preceded by a simple potluck dinner that included soup, bread, and salads. I contributed an Asian salad thingy that turned out pretty well, and I’ll forget what I did (and what I could do better for the next time) if I don’t get it down. I took it in a large covered salad bowl, which worked out great for mixing, transporting AND serving.