BBC NEWS | Africa | Church calls for Zimbabwe action The leaders of the Anglican church have called for international action to prevent violence in Zimbabwe reaching “horrific levels”. In a joint statement the Archbishops of Canterbury and York also called for an international arms embargo on Zimbabwe. Yet more pressure brought to bear
Today being the third Saturday of the month, some of us from the “nurturing” team at Holy Moly/St Nicholas were at Asbury Park for the ecumenical service we do. On my way in, I spotted this on the schedule board for the day: there we are at 10:30, in direct competition with the Wii Bowling. And let me say, the Wii virtual bowlers were kicking ass and having a great time, from the sound of it. We had a pretty good time too – Tim from choir showed up, so we “made a choir” and stood together. Finished with “Amazing…
- Praying passenger is removed from plane 4/17/08 I don’t want to be too dismissive and need to know more specifics, but on the face of it this smacks of the kind of prayer that’s less private piety and more public propriety. I don’t know if it could have been started earlier or not to be considered right and proper, but it sure sounds like an attention-getting device.
Choirmistress Mary does a lot for us, and frequently pays out of pocket for new music and things she thinks we need in order to look and sound like a seasoned choir, and not a ragtag group that formed a little over a year ago. So one of our members found a Christmas ornament that mirrored a unicorn print that Mary has in her home and we presented it to her last night. We also had a wonderful surprise from another choir member who’s been battling brain cancer; she got amazing news from her oncologist. Let’s not say “miracle” yet,…
Choirmistress Mary does a lot for us, and frequently pays out of pocket for new music and things she thinks we need in order to look and sound like a seasoned choir, and not a ragtag group that formed a little over a year ago. So one of our members found a Christmas ornament that mirrored a unicorn print that Mary has in her home and we presented it to her last night. We also had a wonderful surprise from another choir member who’s been battling brain cancer; she got amazing news from her oncologist. Let’s not say “miracle” yet,…
Yes, I’m a major Tolkien fan. Yes, I’m a liberrrl Anglo-Cat’lick Episcopalian. Yes, I cried when I read this. I make no apologies. Sir Ian McKellen becomes bishop for a day – Telegraph Never one to shy away from controversy, Sir Ian McKellen is secretly plotting to launch a campaign to shame the Anglican Church over its refusal to give equal rights to homosexual clergy. In an act of solidarity with the Rt Rev Gene Robinson, the Church’s first openly homosexual bishop, the celebrated actor intends to read out a sermon written by the prelate, who has been barred from…
Yes, I’m a major Tolkien fan. Yes, I’m a liberrrl Anglo-Cat’lick Episcopalian. Yes, I cried when I read this. I make no apologies. Sir Ian McKellen becomes bishop for a day – Telegraph Never one to shy away from controversy, Sir Ian McKellen is secretly plotting to launch a campaign to shame the Anglican Church over its refusal to give equal rights to homosexual clergy. In an act of solidarity with the Rt Rev Gene Robinson, the Church’s first openly homosexual bishop, the celebrated actor intends to read out a sermon written by the prelate, who has been barred from…
As a religious liberal who enthusiastically embraces reality (and whose favorite college class of all time was Evolution 101/102/103 long ago), I have to savor the following: The Questionable Authority : Summary Judgment in California Creationist Lawsuit: Bottom Line, and What’s Next (Part 1 of 3) This means two things: first, the question of whether or not the University of California can reject courses from the Christian schools under any circumstances has been settled in favor of UC. The judge ruled that UC has a compelling reason to pick and choose the “content” and “viewpoints” that they will accept as…
Just wondering. Would ex-Bishop Kunonga give back his farm, which was a “gift” from Mugabe? Probabl not. VOA News – Would White Farmers Return to a Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe? On the whole, those big commercial farms that were run by white Zimbabweans and owned by white Zimbabweans are now in the hands of Mugabe’s cronies,†she says.
Episcopal Life Online – WORLD REPORT Take a quick read over the pastoral letter from the Church of Nigeria regarding things like GAFCON, the mysterious financing of same, polygamy in Nigeria and so on. It appears that it wasn’t edited with care… and ELO posted it verbatim. Bishop Minns apparently wasn’t available to do a little proofreading on his trusty laptop.