Riot Police and CIO stop Church services HARARE – Baton-wielding riot police on Sunday burst into a number of Anglican church services across the capital Harare, disrupting mass at churches aligned with the Right Reverend Bishop Sebastian Bakare. Bakare was appointed substantive bishop of the Harare diocese in December following the ouster of Bishop Nolbert Kunonga, Mugabe’s prominent pet bishop.
The Christian Century reports on the very complicated situation in the Wheaton/Glen Ellyn area, where a series of splits amongst former Episcopalian parishes are laid out pretty fairly. What’s odd is that the writer doesn’t reference the new bishop of Chicago, only quoting or interviewing our retired Bishop, William Persell. But it’s apparently not completely about Teh Gays. It’s originally about Teh Wimminz. And the faith once delivered, etc.
Proclaiming Good News, when the world looks for bad news | Seven whole days Candles and vestments were at the center of controversies that nearly tore about the Episcopal Church. In the nineteenth century, lawsuits were filed, schism was threatened, and the church was distracted by fights over things that we take for granted today. Is there a lesson for us? Scott Gunn’s got a point: we’ve been letting the Bad News Boys (and make no mistake, they’re mostly male) drive the news van for far too long. Time to take the wheel and tell the good news, and the…
Police continue to persecute Anglican Church Bishop Sebastian Bakare protests the recent actions by Zimbabwean police, who have taken to harassing Anglicans during church services, acting on “orders from above.” Deposed former bishop Nolbert Kunonga is still getting Mugabe’s support, and anyone that isn’t vocally pro-Mugabe is treated as a traitorous enemy. Even ladies praying in church during Communion are hauled up from their knees and beaten…
- Zimbabwe: Police Beat Up And Evict Anglican Parishioners Page 1 of 1 State sponsored violence against members of the Anglican Church reached new levels over the weekend as police in different parts of Harare gatecrashed church services and beat up parishioners loyal to new bishop Sebastian Bakare. At the St Francis parish in Waterfalls riot police interrupted the service during holy communion and told parishioners to leave. Witnesses said the parishioners assumed it was the usual police over-zealousness and some of them remained seated. The police then began beating up people, including women, in the church. Bishop Bakare, who…
It’s hard to tell here, but the Episcopal church in Boothbay Harbor is brand new, and made in a very clean and updated “shingle” style on the outside. On the inside it’s a clean, fresh, open plan space with a sanctuary that has a high wooden ceiling supported by big, nautical-looking timbers along the sides. The people were really open and welcoming, too. I had a number of great conversations with people and did my best to wave the big alto flag. They didn’t have a choir, but I had introduced myself to the organized, Eleanor, who became my buddy…
We’re off on vacation soon, and part of the time we’ll be in Maine. I don’t know if I’ll make it to church on Pentecost: I’m hoping we’ll be somewhere that I can slip off for a little church lady fix and David finds someplace to hang out for an hour or so. I started to laugh as I linked to this page, but the more I read this prayer over, the more I’m won over by its whimsy. Although I’ll pass on the pine needles and new-mown hay in my chowder, thanks, the other things sound quite all right.…
The crisis goes on in Zimbabwe, and voices continue to speak out. This time, it’s the Presiding Bishop’s voice. epiScope: Presiding Bishop speaks out on the crisis in Zimbabwe The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church Together with millions of people around the world, my heart has been drawn in recent months to the political and humanitarian crisis unfolding in Zimbabwe. The tragedy of that nation’s descent into internal chaos is magnified by the high sense of purpose and prosperity that a newly independent Zimbabwe brought to Africa and the world nearly three decades…
This makes me sick to the stomach and sad, but The Lead was kind enough to link here in their post. The Lead The Archbishop of Canterbury has denied the Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire permission to preach or preside at the Eucharist during his visits to England this year No word on whether the appearance with Sir Ian McKellen is still planned, or if it already happened, as it wasn’t dated when I blogged about it before.
The shelters are getting ready to shut down for the season, but next fall they could use some donations from our food pantry at St Nicholas Episcopal: Journeys from PADS to HOPE, Journeys, PADS, HOPE, Homeless, Homelessness, Charity, Non-for-profit, Shelter, Palatine, Northwest Suburbs Cook County, Fundraising, Donations, Helping the Poor