• Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - Radio - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Jim Wallis Replies To Bush Radio Address

    The Swamp – Chicago Tribune – Blogs. This is the text of the Democratic Party's radio address (audio link here): "I’m Jim Wallis, author of God’s Politics. I was surprised and grateful when Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid called to say his party wanted to set a new tone and invite, for the first time, a non-partisan religious leader to deliver their weekly radio address and speak about the values that could unite Americans at this critical time. "So, I want to be clear that I am not speaking for the Democratic Party, but as a person of faith who…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Uncategorical Weirdness

    What Is An Inculturated Liturgy?

    I just received a bulletin in the mail for Holy Moly and St Nicholas – it’s the Advent newsletter, which is traditionally mailed out just before the beginning of the season by someone at St Nick’s. Something caught my eye, and I went looking for a definition. At the outset, we are going to seek to develop two strong liturgies — a more mainstream one i n the tradition of Holy Innocents and a more inculturated one using the platform of the current St Nicholas liturgy. Which of course, confuses me – there is no such word. Yet, the word…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Father Jake Stops the World

    Posted by a commenter at   Father Jake Stops the World I've lost track over the years of the citation, but there was a book published in the last generation that reviewed growing congregations across denominational lines (including Episcopal churches). That study found five factors as important: 1) good preaching; 2) good music; 3) good adult Christian education; 4) opportunities for hands-on service ministries; and 5) small group interactions. (Interesting, considering the attention it has always gotten, that Christian education of children wasn't afactor.) As a frequent supply priest over the years, I've been really surprised and saddened at the…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Episcopal

    Ship of Fools: The Mystery of the Bullshipper

    Ship of Fools: Features WE DECIDED TO DO SOME technological digging to find out what had been going on. The fact that Freddie, our Mystery Worshipper, had given no name for the priest in the Abbey report was starting to look rather convenient. Had we been hoaxed? Via Dylan's Grace Notes… this reads better than an old-fashioned mystery novel.  

  • Childfreedom - Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Father Jake Stops the World

    Father Jake Stops the World NYT: How many members of the Episcopal Church are there in this country? KJS: About 2.2 million. It used to be larger percentagewise, but Episcopalians tend to be better-educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children. NYT: Episcopalians aren’t interested in replenishing their ranks by having children? KJS: No. It’s probably the opposite. We encourage people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not use more than their portion. I'm a childfree, environmentally aware Episcopalian,…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - Today - Uncategorical Weirdness


    Mom's little book of days for yesterday had some cryptic notes: Property tax due Frank 60 NOVEMBER 21 We have two ends with a common linkWith one we sit, with one we think.Success depends on what we use – Heads we win…Tails we loose. It's a cute sentiment, but it contains one of my all-time pet peeves in English usage: the substitution of "loose" for "lose." Yesterday was a very good day. I can't explain why; night before last was a rough one where I got up at about 3 or 4 to read for awhile. Sleep doesn't come very…

  • Episcopal - Uncategorical Weirdness

    State of the Church – New York Times

    State of the Church – New York Times   Q: You just took office as the first woman to head the Episcopal Church, and curiously enough, you come from a science background, having worked as an oceanographer for years. A: I worked on squids and octopuses Uh, shouldn't that be "octopi?" No matter. I'm glad KJS is getting all the press.   I ran across this at Daily Episcopalian. And no, I don't think she's going to be a "fluffy bunny bishop," either. Thanks, Jake! I knew that photo would come in handy!  [tags]bunny bishops[/tags] 

  • Episcopal - Flickr - Moblog - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Eureka, Flickr Works, ecto works, almost there

    Now it’s just a question of doing the main cutover from Movable Type to WordPress. Why? Because I was getting spam-hammered on my Holy Moly website, and MT just couldn’t deal with it, let alone get rid of it very well. I wasn’t getting as much here, but that’s because my installation here was newer and slightly more robust in the anti-spam arsenal. According to my husband David, WP is about impervious, and this particular theme, Tiga, is gravatar-ready. Soon enough, I’ll add in some dazzle via a plugin or three and fix up the header. The photo shows our…