At Axis of Episcopal Split, an Anti-Gay Nigerian In case anyone is missing the point about the coming schism in the Episcopal Church, currently it's about homosexuality and biblical inerrancy. 40 years ago, it was about women's ordination and bibilical inerrancy. 20 years before that, it was about civil rights and biblical inerrancy. 100 years before that, it was slavery… and biblical inerrancy. Really, it's always something about biblical inerrancy, but that's not sexy enough. [tags]Episcopal[/tags]
Falls Church News-Press – Editorial: No Surprise To Us Locals The Falls Church Episcopal Church is now front page news all over the world for its vote, announced Sunday, to formally defect from the Episcopal denomination. But the 10,500 folks in the tiny City of Falls Church have had the Falls Church Episcopal — with its membership drawn from the wider region almost a third the size of their whole town — not only in their midst, but “in their faces” for much of the last 20 years since the church took a decidedly right-wing turn. Many in the Falls…
Telegraph | News | Curious incident in the night leaves Bishop of Southwark with black eye and sore head The best part: he climbs into the back seat of a complete stranger's car outside a bar near his cathedral, and proceeds to toss toys out into the street. When challenged, he replied "I'm the Bishop of Southwark, it's what I do." His flock have already forgiven him and shrugged it off. A holiday party at the Irish Embassy and a bottle or two of excellent Portuguese wine probably contributed to his confusion. He apparently forgot that he had not been driven…
Anglican goings-on » The Cartoon Blog by Dave Walker In other words, how the current upheaval in my denomination is largely clergy-driven.
One Utah » Blog Archive » Mitt Romney and The Mormon Question My frustration, like so many who have faced their church of birth, is that in my own mind only, obviously not in reality; but in my own pain, is that if I inhale hugely, the structure trembles, and threatens either to kill me or to collapse; and if I exhale, I blow it away, so much so that it can’t help me, and I really need it’s help; and I can’t help them, since I’ve tried so very hard to do so, and I’ve had success only once,…
This is an example of the kinds of things we're going to be moving from Holy Moly to St Nicholas. It's one of the Stations of the Cross that was made by one of our parishioners, and I think it represents Jesus falling the first time on the long walk to Calvary. If you look closely, you can see two honkin' big wood screws going right up His robe. Also, it's really battered and like all the rest, really dusty and cobwebby. The ladies from the Altar Guild no longer dust these, because they regularly got pulled from the wall…
My little Episcopal parish, Holy Moly, is closing at the end of this month. I'm part of the lay leadership; I'm involved in this process. If you had told me 5 years ago when I reluctantly agreed to be on the Bishop's Committee that I'd be part of the stubborn remainder that had to come to this decision and actually deal with the physical and emotional and spiritual challenges that come with closing a church, I'd have said "no way. Not gonna do it." Well, here I am, in at the death. In my time, I've attended probably 50 normal…
A Bishop for Chicago – Home This looks a lot like a blog, except no comments.
happening-here: Episcopal bishop arrested in war protest When the Bishops turn came, he seemed almost in his element. More than one member of the Episcopal clergy remarked to me: "were seeing a new day." Now that's what I call an anti-war protest: a Eucharist served from WWII-era flasks and tin plates, singing, full vestments, and arrests. The photos at this happening-here: blog are amazing. Bishop of California +Marc was really walking the walk. Via Jake
So, the big visit today was a success. All the pictures are on a Flickr set here. We did go out into the neighborhood around St Nicholas to distribute shopping bags for a toy drive, and Bp. Scantlebury was a good sport about going door-to-door. We even had a couple of reporters there taking pictures for local papers. This picture shows the baptistry of St Nick’s, with their fancy running-water font. Originally, this was an altar that was cut down and refashioned, and the worship space is completely flexible. Today, for example, all the chairs had been re-arranged to face…