I’m debating whether to post this on the church blog, partly because the blog URL will be changing soon to be in line with the rest of the St Nicholas site, and partly because I’m not sure E-Z the Answers Squirrel can “fly” without getting shot down by the Warden and the vicar. Via Dylans Grace Notes: ask the squirrel
Rocky Mountain News – Denver and Colorados reliable source for breaking news, sports and entertainment: Columnists Ew. First, this account of an Episcopal parish's annual meeting gone horribly wrong sounds like a nightmare. Second, why does columnist Jean Torkelson make it seem like every Episcopal church is roiled in controversy? Third, Grace and St Stephen's claims 2,400 members. 230 attended the vestry meeting. The rest may be voting with their feet.
Enough time has gone by since Holy Innocents closed that I think I can now deal with telling the story of the last 2 services held there. There aren’t many photos, because I was struggling with the settings on the camera and also because much of the time, I was holding either a hymnal or the Book of Common Prayer. Christmas Eve was pretty but… it’s already faded into a sort of mish-mosh of previous years. However, a couple of things stand out. First, someone forgot to clue Fr. Steve in on using the little hand-candles for a candlelit portion,…
daily episcopalian: Desmond Tutu on the Communion's peculiar priorities I am deeply disturbed that in the face of some of the most horrendous problems facing Africa, we concentrate on what do I do in bed with whom, the South African Nobel Laureate Tutu told a news conference in Nairobi. That's preaching the Word, Bp. Desmond. I only hope your brother bishops bother to listen. [tags]Episcopal, Anglican Communion, Desmond Tutu, Peter Akinola, schism[/tags]
Utah is a hard place to be "different." If you're not Mormon, it can be hard to make friends and be accepted, until you find the right religio-social pigeonhole for yourself. And if you were raised Mormon, but can no longer conform for some reason, it's even harder. If your family rejects you, but your partner can't legally marry you, it's much, much worse if you become incapacitated with a fatal illness. Some of this article may be a little hard to read without a box of Kleenex handy. Salt Lake Tribune – Lost to Lou Gehrigs disease: Even…
From daily episcopalian: Aint Misbehavin Came across this ditty on the House of Bishops and Deputies list (of all places) today. It is a lyric by Garrison Keillor. Sung to the tune of Ain't Misbehavin'. I'm slow to anger, don't covet or lust. No sins of pride except sometimes I really must. Episcopalian, saving my love for you. The theology's easy, the liturgy too. Just stand up and kneel down and say what the others do. Episcopalian, saving my love for you. I bless myself with a flick of the wrist. You'd never know I was raised fundamentalist. Episcopalian, saving…
Episcopal Churches Breakaway in Va. Evolved Over 30 Years – washingtonpost.com Speaking in tongues? Getting slain in the spirit? There ought to be room under the big Anglican tent for charismatic Episcopal churches. But anti-rationalism and "mass" hysteria? Most un-Anglican.
The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make… » One Bread, One Body December 31 When we go to our regular schedule on January 14, the 9 a.m. liturgy will be close to what the Holy Innocents’ liturgy has been, and the 11 a.m. liturgy will be similar to what St. Nicholas has done. In the months ahead, I will tweak both liturgies some, to make them even stronger vehicles for worship and especially to make them even more inviting to visitors. The 9 a.m. tweaking will be minor – singing the psalm and one or two more…
The Gay Bishops Links Remember the smear campaign conducted against Gene Robinson when he was elected Bishop of New Hampshire: Fred Barnes started it. Remember the huge amount of publicity generated by the news that two large and conservative parishes were leaving the Episcopal Church? Fred Barnes is a member of one of them, and as a FOX pundit-on-call he commented on it on air. Remember the IRD? Fred Barnes is on the board. Coincidence? I think not. Via Jake
Ex-Gay Watch: Ex-Gay Ministries and the Episcopal Split The main page of Truro Church's website endorses several "ex-gay" ministries, and a class recently taught at their sister parish Falls Church recommends gays seek counseling in order to "go straight." This sort of thing is usually found in your more hairy-eyeball fundamentalist church…