I’ll work on this for my own Facebook page, which I totally neglect. More importantly, I’ll work on this for the St Nicholas Episcopal Church Facebook page, which I’m trying to keep reasonably up-to-date. Facebook now allows all images to be viewed in their new photo viewer. Therefore, you want the images that you use for the photo strip to open up large if clicked on. When they are displayed in the photo strip the images are each 97 pixels wide by 68 pixels tall 97px by 68px.But, if you upload them at that size they will appear the same…
We’re doing a Fannie May Chocolates fundraiser at St Nick’s and a friend who lives pretty far from me wants to get something. Unfortunately, we can’t do it by credit card (unless I maybe have her pay my PayPal account – IDEA!) or she mails me a check. At least getting the chocolates to her is a snap: I can put her mailing address on the order form and they’ll go direct to her. She wants Mint Meltaways and an assortment, but I need to know which size box, and which assortment. Also, there’s sugar free Mint Meltaways now. Rather…
My friend Pfalz Prophets has been blogging a bit lately on human rights issues for GLTB persons, and this post does not deserve to be notoriously ignored. Disclaimer: I have sung in church with PP, and attest to his musicianship and scholarly chops. I discovered a new hate group the other day, the National Organization for Marriage, thanks to my signing up with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Maggie Gallagher, the chairman of the group, issued a standard press release, to which I responded with this e-mail:”It has come to my attention that you are conducting a nationwide campaign opposing…
I was at home Friday, having planned ahead for once and asked for the day off for what is typically an extremely slow day. I sang at the Maundy Thursday service, all went very well and it was very moving. I was disappointed that I blew the attack on the first “big” piece that we’ve been working on for months; when it came down to it, I pretty much funked the pitch for some reason, even though I’ve had no problems with it up to now. We’ve got a good choir, and a good choir mistress, although she gets a…
Unfortunately, we didn’t do anything at St Nicks to mark this, as the energy at the time the Renk partnerships were starting was around keeping our own programs (and doors) open. This was all pre-merger with Holy Innocents and we all had other things on our minds. Note at the bottom, Manya Breachear never fails to mention Teh Gay Bishop controversy. When Bishop Katharine visited St Nick’s in 2007, she was asked ONE question about gay clergy, and it was picked up by the Trib and the other papers and made headlines all over. For nine years, Episcopalians in Chicago…
Wow, I actually got a comment that isn’t spam, a request for a washing machine part, or looking for Fry Sauce. It’s from a recent post called “My God is the God of the Poor,” which was just a link to a awesome recent post by Pastor Dan that ***Dave passed along. In it, I said as I quoted pastordan Something else I believe as a liberal Episcopalian, put a little more aggressively: My God is the God of the poor. You can be for the poor or you can go to hell. A month later, I get this rather…
Something else I believe as a liberal Episcopalian, put a little more aggressively: My God is the God of the poor. You can be for the poor or you can go to hell. pastordan is awesome, and I grew up in a Protestant mainline church distantly related to the UCC so I know where he’s coming from. H/T to ***Dave FTW. via Note to Religious Liberals: God Does Take Sides | Religion Dispatches.
One reason I don’t believe in “the Rapture” or “the Apocalypse” is the people who DO believe appear to me to be completely crazy and irrational… and their websites induce seizures. Funny how the dates they keep calculating (using special software, even) keep slipping too, kind of like the metaphysical side of scope creep. 25NOV10? No. 21DEC10? Maybe. 01FEB11? Rosh Hashanah, 2015? More time to convert unbelievers! I noted for David’s benefit the new Jewish holiday of “Yom Kipper,” The Feast of Smoked Fish. This must be why mom-in-law Leah has lox and bagels for family brunch? I’ve been reading…
The Very Revd Colin Slee, Dean of Southwark Cathedral in London, died last week and his funeral service was today in the cathedral. The sermon was given by Dr Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans, who was formerly the Theologian at Southwark, was nominated as Bishop, and in a scandalous turn, the nomination was rescinded because conservatives objected to John’s homosexuality. He noted that Slee said to him in the weeks before his death how “surprisingly un-scared” he was. I wish I’d known him; on my recent visit to London with David we actually walked past his house, where I…
I’ve met Bishop Scott at various meetings here in the Chicago area, and I think he’ll be a great “pastor to the pastors” and leader of the Utah Episcopalians. Video of the consecration service will be at the Diocese of Utah website. The first time the Rev. Scott Hayashi served Utah’s Episcopal Church, he was puzzled by some parishioners’ tendency to define themselves by what they weren’t: Mormons. He even remembers pointing out the silliness in a sermon at Ogden’s Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, where he was rector from 1989 to 1998. “I asked, ‘Does this mean if…