• Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses - Politics, Schmolitics - Religion

    Remember The Theory of Everything

    I already knew this, but it bears repeating:   Our view of God, strict or nurturing, divides us – Nashville, Tennessee – Saturday, 03/03/07 – Tennessean.com A battle of two moralities is roaring in this country — really, a battle between two views of God — and it explains nearly everything, and nearly everyone ignores it. An unspoken conflict of attitudes toward parenting — Strict Parent model vs. Nurturing Parent — shapes the showdown between conservatives and liberals across the board, whether at worship, in Congress or on the Iraq war.   [tags]God, Nurturing Parent, Strict Parent, liberals, conservatives[/tags] 

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Almost Live: the Presiding Bishop’s Webcast

    This is long. LONG. Here, why don’t you go get a latte, while I fulminate quietly to myself. I almost missed the live webcast by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, ++Katherine Jefferts Schori. Stupid time difference. Fortunately, it’s now available as a regular on-demand webcast. There are specific issues I want to hear her address, but I’m a little worried that she’s just going to offer some delicious tidbits of Anglican fudge. And now, the webcast. I’m not really clever or fast enough on the analytical side to comment seriously on it as I watch, but I’ll probably…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Well and Truly Listening: Talk of the Nation

    NPR : The Episcopal Church and the Rift over Homosexuality I'm currently listening to today's Talk of the Nation, recorded earlier today. First guest: Rt. Reverend Catherine Roskam, bishop suffragan of New York. She starts off well by stating clearly that discussing the blessing of same-sex marriage is off the table. She also tries to explain how the Anglican Communion isn't really a top-down, patriarchally governed church.  She stresses that there are more important issues that we ought to be facing in the Communion, such as how women are treated.  Caller: Jean from Utah is an Episcopalian. Feels strongly that…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    In Retrospect

    Maybe Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania wasn't the best place to hold the recently concluded Anglican Primates' Meeting, what with the local populace all freaked out about a sex-maniac demon bat that attacks only men and all. Actually, the ultra-conservatives bishops here at home seem to be all freaked out about sex-maniac demon bats all the time, which is pretty self-centered of them if you ask me. I mean, they assume that sex-maniac demon bats are interested in older white males with a penchant for purple and a "thing" for Biblical authority.  Phew! At least our PB ++Katherine was immune. Good…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    My Bishop’s Response: Not Gonna T’row ‘Em To Da Lionz

    Chicago Diocese — Bishop Persell responds to the Primates Meeting communique Bishop William Persell has responded to the communique of the recent Primates Meeting in Tanzania with a statement to the clergy and laity of the diocese, and the larger church. In his statement, Bishop Persell pledges to continue his support for a fully inclusive church, one that is characterized by "compassion, shared authority, mutual ministry, justice and respect for the dignity of every human being." Excerpt: "Patience is appropriate on matters affecting the fundamental nature of a faith community's identity, but we should not allow such concern to unduly…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Chicago Diocese — Waiting for Our Response

    Chicago Diocese — Presiding Bishop offers reflection on the Primates Meeting Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has invited Episcopalians to a season of fasting regarding action on rites of blessing for same gender unions, and confirming candidates for episcopal ministry who are living in same gender partnerships. Returning from the biennial meeting of Anglican Communion Primates held Feb. 15-19 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the presiding bishop offered her reflection on the recommendations in the Primates Communique addressing the Episcopal Churchs response to the Windsor Report. Still waiting to see what Bishop Pursell's and Bishop Scantlebury's response will be to…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!

    Yesterday a large group from St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents (man, we really need a snappy nickname) visited the nearby Buddhist temple to attend their Setsubun celebration and participate in the morning chanting. I got there late, as I had a severe miscommunication between my brain and my GPS unit – problem existed between driver’s seat and Magellan. It was a bitterly cold, windy day, and when I finally got to the temple, trying to stop kicking myself for my inability to enter the address correctly, I was about 15 minutes late and had missed any explanation. The temple…

  • Episcopal - Flickr

    Ex Old Skool Flickrite Attempts New Skool Post

    Flickr’s been bugging me to update my log-in from the “old skool” ID I originally built to a Yahoo-based ID. So I did it, and then after it was too late, they airily mention on the “welcome to the new skool” landing page that any API-based Flickr tools and applications I may have might not work anymore. Oh. Well, thank you for warning me in advance. ecto uses a very handy and important-to-me API app that pulls in photos from Flickr very easily so I can post them, and also eventually I’ll get the Photo Album plug-in working on my…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Dear Mom - Episcopal

    Related Posts

    The other day, I posted about loss. I was mostly thinking about the loss of the church I've worshiped in for the last 5 years, or at least the loss of the building. Naturally, it got all mixed up with relating it to another loss – Mom – and how losing something you love resonates every time you lose something else. And then I saw this post at Sarah Dylan Breuer right afterward, talking about when you lose people when they decide they no longer want to worship with you, that the differences are more important to them than the…