• Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Choir Draft Pick #1 2007

    Okay, now that I'm finally fed up with tinkering with CSS and getting Firefox and IE6 to play more or less nicely… This morning started oddly; David had to take off reeely early in the morning on a sekrit mission (no gurlz aloud) so the morning routine was a little different. He was all "Love you, bye!" and I was all "Whaaa… huh… ::smack smack scratch scratch:: love you too mmm bye."  I don't do mornings very well at all, see. And then all too soon it was time to jump in the car and get to church for rehearsal,…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Standing Against Illiberal Winds

    The Lead "Illiberal winds are blowing pernicious policy and polity changes our way," the Rev. Canon Marilyn McCord Adams, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University says. "…The Communiqué from the Tanzanian Primates’ meeting brought the intentions of those who dictated its content more fully out of the closet." What delicious use of irony – those intentions are meant to force gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons back into the closet, at least in the Anglican church. Must read this more carefully tomorrow.  And I like that term "illiberal." It's time we defined the opposition in terms of what they…

  • Episcopal

    The Bad Bishop Makes Episcopal Life Online

    Episcopal Life Online – WORLD REPORT The letter was signed by 14 bishops including Nolbert Kunonga, the Anglican bishop of Harare, who is a staunch ally of President Robert Mugabe and his policies and who once referred to the opposition as dogs barking at an elephant. The central African bishops represent Anglican churches in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Kunonga has a long-standing feud with his own church members because of his open support for Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF party. He met with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, March 7 to discuss the grave challenges faced by the Church,…

  • Episcopal

    The Hip Hop Prayer Book

    Welcome to Church Publishing Psalm 23 as adapted by Ryan Kearse The Lord is all that, I need for nothing. He allows me to chill. He keeps me from being heated and allows me to breathe easy. He guides my life so that I can represent and give shouts out in his Name. And even though I walk through the Hood of death, I don't back down for you have my back. The fact that you have me covered allows me to chill. He provides me with back-up in front of my player-haters and I know that I am a…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Resurrection Departs, and My Priest Gets Quoted

    Daily Herald | DuPage County Within the next few months, Resurrection members will move to a rented building elsewhere in West Chicago. The church has not decided if it will join a group of Anglican parishes based in Africa and Asia that are forming their own organization, Koch said. A longtime member of the NAACP and a former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Koch rejects the view that his church’s stance is bigoted. “If I had a family come to my church that were polygamist, we would love them, we would be kind, but we wouldn’t approve. That…

  • Episcopal - Hot Off The Presses

    Advance: 19 former Grace and St Stephen’s Vestry Members

    Pastor must answer important questions Question: What is thy duty toward thy neighbor? Answer: My duty toward my Neighbor is . . . to do to all men as I would they should do unto me: . . . To be true and just in all my dealings: . . . To keep my hands from picking and stealing, and my tongue from evil speaking, lying, and slandering: . . . Not to desire other men’s goods; But to learn and labor truly to get my own living. — The Book of Common Prayer 1928. We are 19 former vestry…

  • Episcopal

    The Choral Obstacle Course: Survived!

    Unlike stalwart AKMA, who couldn't find his music after rehearsing several times, and had to "wing it" at his service, our trio (plus Paul the associate priest) performed the Exultet without too many noticeable bobbles. In rehearsal, I really struggled and I know Mary was thinking of pulling me out, but the last run through was clean and my voice (and throat) had opened up a bit. By the time we actually started, I was as ready as I was going to be and Katie and I stood together so that she could hold a candle for me. We had…

  • Episcopal

    Rejoice And Sing Now

    As in previous years, I’ll be helping to sing the Exultet, an ancient Christian chant that is sung (in our Anglo-Catholic tradition anyway) just once a year: at the beginning of the Great Vigil of Easter, in the darkened church, on what’s called “Holy Saturday.” Unlike previous years, this is the first year at the combined St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents mission parish, and some things will be different. The new combined choir and our new-ish choir mistress have been working very hard for the last 6 weeks on all the special music, and what with the timing of…