• Episcopal - Religion


    This continues to be the dirty little story that keeps bubbling away under the surface of the Anglican Communion in Africa. Zimbabwejournalists.com: MUGABE, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH AND THE “ILLEGAL SANCTIONS The drive to sanitise the offensive regime of Robert Mugabe has sucked in the Church, with the Anglican Church being the most high profile to have openly expressed views that chime with the daily propaganda that is churned out of the government controlled media. The Pastoral Letter of its Bishops released after the Episcopal Synod in April demonstrates how pliant and subjugated the Anglican Church has become to the regime…

  • Episcopal

    The Lead: More Disinvited Bishops

     Well, there’s a familiar name: the “bad bishop of Harare” has also not received an invitation to Lambeth, along with another politically tricky bishop from the Southern Cone who is allied with the regressive, repressive wing of the Anglican Communion.  Apparently “contumacy” is a form of stubborn unrepentant behavior, or contempt of rules or church canon maybe, and I expect it’s related to a word I know from Shakespeare, “contumely,” which currently means “abusive language.” “Invitations to the 2008 conference have been mailed to over 800 bishops by the Conference’s host, the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams. Invitations to…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Tutu: God Must Be Weeping

    Via The Lead: The Times of London reports on a recent conversation with the former archbishop: “What is sad to me is that we are investing so much time and energy in the subject of homosexuality at a time when the world is groaning from poverty, disease and corruption. God must be weeping.” Just as he opposed discrimination against people because of the colour of their skin or their gender, he said he opposes discrimination against gays. “I cannot have fought about the injustice of apartheid and keep quiet about the injustice of being being penalised for something about which…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Episcopal

    Everything’s Jake with Terry

    Father Jake Stops the World: An Ethic of Transparency Hello. My name is Terry Martin, and I am an eclectic and sometimes eccentric Episcopal priest. I'm the one in the picture not wearing purple. I would imagine that most of you recognize the gentleman standing with me. This must have been a tough step to take, as "Father Jake's Place" can be pretty rambunctious when the comment threads get longer and longer… Terry's anonymity protected him in some ways, and hindered him in others, I guess.  Although I still think Brother Causticus should probably remain a mysterious figure, because he's…

  • Episcopal - Mini-Posts


    Father Jake Stops the World: With Apolgies to Don McLean I'm not a supporter of Rev. Don Armstrong's schismatic activism, or that of his former colleagues at the ACI, but I don't approve of what happened Sunday, when some teenaged idiot kid threw a cream pie in his face at the early service. That's just stupid and immature, and no way to treat a man of the cloth, no matter what his views. That said, Father Jake's take on "Anglican Pie" is kind of amusing, but only from one point of view. It would be funnier still if it was…

  • Episcopal

    Testing ecto 2.3.3 – a later revision for YouTube

    Okay, according to Alex at the excellent ecto support forum, he probably uploaded a fix for the YouTube problem right after I downloaded the previous revision. So: the search function works, and I’ve already seen the warning that says it won’t display in the edit window, but would be visible in the preview window. However, it isn’t. Why not? Try publishing and see what happens. The point is trying to get videos show up in Bloglines, though, so I think I still have to put in enclosure tags. Object has been resized to 300px wide X 245 high in the…

  • Episcopal

    Where the big Akinola/Minns Event Was Held

    Welcome to the Hylton Memorial Chapel Hylton Memorial Chapel is a nondenominational Christian Event Center that opened in 1995. The facility does not accommodate a local church or congregation on a regular basis. It seats nearly 3500. The facility was designed to host large Christian events and facilitate renewal throughout the region. Whoa – a gigantic thing like that, and there's no regular services there? What a strange  concept to someone like me, who's been on the Bishop's Committees of more than one small, underfinanced mission parish. All this money that evangelicals throw at ginormous facilities just boggles my mind,…

  • Episcopal

    5 Guys and a New Website: A Church Think-Tank’s Struggles

    Not very impressive, now that Jim Naughton has laid it out like this. I hadn't heard the story of what Bishop MacPherson said at the recent Primates' Meeting.   Daily Episcopalian The ACI further undermined itself by mishandling the Armstrong case, which is still unfolding in Colorado. As executive director of the ACI, Armstrong had mingled the bank accounts of his parish with those of the institute, which was not a legal entity, but rather, as its president the Rev. Christopher Seitz admitted—adopting the characterization of one of the group’s critics—just “six guys with a Web site.” Faced with the…

  • Episcopal - Geek Out! - Religion

    Evolution and Ecumenical: Together at Roundtable

    First of all, I had no idea that there was any such thing as the "Ecumenical Roundtable on Science, Technology and the Church", but I'm delighted to find that it exists, and seems to be going strong. Not only that, but several of the mainline churches that are all part of it have permanent committees that study the impact of science on religion: the Presbyterian Association for Science Technology and the Church, the ELCA Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology, and our own Episcopal Committee on Science, Technology and Faith. The Methodists and the United Church of Christ also reported on holding…