• Blogs Wot I Read - Books - Episcopal

    Episcopal Cafe: Dobson Rejects Potter, Nyah

    The Lead The Christian Post has news that Dr. James Dobson, of Focus on the Family has officially renounced Harry Potter and all the associated “Harry Potter products.” “‘In a story about Christians’ views on the Harry Potter books and films, reporter Jacqueline Salmon wrote that ‘Christian parenting guru James Dobson has praised the Potter books,’’ the statement read. ‘This is the exact opposite of Dr. Dobson’s opinion – in fact, he said a few years ago on his daily radio broadcast that ‘We have spoken out strongly against all of the Harry Potter products…’’ Your humble news editor-of-the-day, having…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Clan: McTiVo - Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    The Kwik-E-Mart Model To Grow The Church

    AKMA’s Random Thoughts Now, let’s ask the embarrassing question. which is your church more like: the office funny guy repeating something that someone once thought was amusing, or the brilliantly subtle, detailed creation of a physical-world Kwik-E-Mart? Much of the time, my rants about attention to detail and communicating carefully and responsibly and deliberately, are drowned out by a culture of casualness, spontaneity, free-wheelin’ yada yada yada. Hey, spontaneity and relaxation and freedom are good things, I approve of them. But attention to detail — by people who know what they’re doing — makes a difference, and viewers, visitors, congregants…

  • Episcopal - Mini-Posts

    The Straight Story?

    Issue Number 989 | Akinola’s power play | Advocate.com An anonymous source asserts that certain African bishops in the current unpleasantness are little more than mercenaries, brought in to fight the battles that their backers can’t or won’t fight themselves. Another source hints darkly about money in envelopes changing hands, but where’s the facts?

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Episcopal - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Letters from Lambeth

    The Lead The Episcopal Cafe blogged recently about a letter that Ruth Gledhill received from Lambeth Palace hinting that Bishop Gene Robinson may be invited to the big decennial Lambeth Conference next year after all, perhaps in “some other status” than as Bishop of New Hamphire. The weird thing is that I saw the very same, or nearly identical letter with my own eyes last night at a team meeting at Holy Moly, because one of our Senior Wardens received it in response to a letter that he wrote as a member of Integrity. He had I had chuckled over…

  • Episcopal - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    In The Zone. En La Zona.

    Today at church, it was just… cool. I can’t really describe it, except to say we were in the groove, dialed in, in the zone. Remember, I’ve been away for a week. 2 weeks ago, we had the first instance of “10am music practice” led by our choirmistress/organist. I like Mary very much, but She Must Be Obeyed in some things. So I was a little dismayed when 2 weeks ago, the music practice portion of the service went on and on and on – it was more than a little distracting. I could tell we had “lost” the congregation…

  • Episcopal - Uncategorical Weirdness


    At Holy Moly, a church to be renamed later, we’ve formed 4 different kinds of ministry teams, and I’ve signed on for a couple of them. One is “Nurturing,” or pastoral care, and we’re creating it from the ground up – we’ve put in for a diocesan grant to offer some kind of healing ministry in the area (taking communion, services at care centers and hospices, etc). I heard this item on WBEZ the other day, and it’s been on my mind for a while. I was talking to my friend Katy last night, and mentioned an idea that I’d…

  • Episcopal - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Baltimore Sun ‘perceives’ an Episcopal trend

    GetReligion.org comments on the Baltimore Sun article’s explanation of the Anglican Rift (aka, “the current unpleasantness” ) Baltimore Sun ‘perceives’ an Episcopal trend || GetReligion.org The heart of the story comes early, in the grit-your-teeth-and-write-it background paragraphs that reporters simply have to write in order to help readers understand what is, supposedly, going on. So here is Kay’s shot at this almost impossible task… Reisterstown resident Vince Clews, a founding member of Church of the Resurrection, said its formation after Robinson’s election may imply homophobia but had more to do with public statements by Episcopal bishops who don’t believe in…

  • Episcopal - Flickr - Geek Out! - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA) - The Never-Ending Bloga

    The Braid Blog – Tearing Apart and Putting Together

    The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make… Oh, my Dog. Well, the old Holy Moly blog from holy-innocents.org has now been refurbished and pointed to the new onebreadonebody.org site. Redirected, too. The new site has a paltry “click here for more news and events” link on just the main page. Will have to inquire about having a “Blog” link added to the links template on the side as well. This was complicated; I didn’t realize David had upgraded the HI blog installation to WordPress 2.2, while this site is still at 2.1, pending a few plugins that…