• Episcopal

    Bad Bishop of Harare: Removed, or Poaching?

    That “bad bishop of Harare” guy has been in the news again, and it seems like the Province of Central Africa really would like to be rid of him, and sees right through his motives for hollering about teh evul homosexxuls in order to deflect criticism of his very corrupt lifestyle and actions. But it gets even more interesting, as The Lead reports from an article in the Living Church: The Lead Despite the removal of the two bishops, recovery of diocesan property is not assured. On Oct. 21, a Zimbabwe court declined to issue an emergency injunction on behalf…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Chicago’s Next Episcopal Bishop… real soon now

    Coverage of the events leading up to the election of the next bishop of Chicago is starting to pick up, The next Episcopal bishop… — chicagotribune.com Next week, the eight finalists for bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago meet their potential flock at a series of gatherings throughout the region: St. Mark’s in Glen Ellyn on Tuesday; Church of the Redeemer in Elgin on Wednesday; Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest on Thursday; Church of the Transfiguration in Palos Park on Oct. 26; St. Edmund’s in Chicago on Oct. 27, and St. Luke’s in Dixon on Oct.…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Good and Evil

    What is good to a liberal is evil to a conservative, and vice versa. But what is truly good? And what is truly evil? How about a little exercise in compare/contrast? ::Humility, Grace and Freedom by Canon Dr Joe Cassidy:: So here’s what puzzles me: Given all this openness, why can’t we allow or even authorise the Episcopal Church to experiment with including gay lay-people, gay deacons, gay priests and, yes, gay bishops? Why can’t we allow the Episcopal Church to experiment with same-sex/quasi-nuptual blessings? Why can’t we ask the Episcopal Church to undertake, on behalf of the rest of…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    epiScope:The Bad Bishop of Harare’s Expulsion

    epiScope: Expulsion THE Anglican Province of Central Africa has initiated moves to expel controversial bishop of the capital, Nolbert Kunonga, after he withdrew the Harare diocese from the province alleging that it had failed to censure bishops sympathetic towards homosexuality. There’s other evidence that a number of other African Anglicans aren’t necessarily supportive of the anti-gay agenda of the conservative faction represented by +Akinola, +Orimbi, +Minns the former Episcopal priest, and so on. The recent CAPA meeting concluded with the African bishops in attendance finding evidence that a “Western pen” (presumably that of Bishop Martyn Minns, former Episcopalian priest, now…

  • Episcopal - Religion

    The Anglican Identity Movement

    It is a most unfortunate turn of phrase: Fort Worth wishes to re-align themselves as something called “Anglican Identity” rather than remaining a part of the Episcopal Church: Episcopal Life Online – DIOCESAN DIGEST [Episcopal News Service] The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth announced October 1 that it will ask its upcoming diocesan convention to “take the first step needed to dissociate itself from the General Convention of The Episcopal Church and to begin the process of affiliating with another Province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.” Really, if they’d be happier elsewhere, and if they have…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things

    Doubly honored

    I was following a link from Scott Gunn’s Inclusive Church blog, and was completely gobsmacked by what I saw at Mad Priest’s place: Of course, I could be wrong… Welcome newly discovered HEROES OF THE BLOGOSPHERE. (Personally, I blame bad parenting – spare the rod and spoil the child) BAREFOOT AND LAUGHING BLOGULA RASA DREAMING IN THE DEEP SOUTH EPISCOCHICK FRANIAM HERE I SIT HOPE’S MAMA INCLUSIVECHURCH BLOG ON TRANSMIGRATION WHAT CAME FIRST, THE MUSIC OR THE MISERY? Heavens to Murgatroyd – I’d noticed with blushing pleasure that the Mad Priest had honored this blog with a spot on his…

  • Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things - Religion

    House of Bishops Discussion

    The Lead Resolution B033 of the 2006 General Convention The House of Bishops concurs with Resolution EC011 of the Executive Council. This Resolution commends the Report of the Communion Sub-Group of the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates of the Anglican Communion as an accurate evaluation of Resolution B033 of the 2006 General Convention, calling upon bishops with jurisdiction and Standing Committees “to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on…

  • Episcopal - Mini-Posts

    +Drexel Supportive…

    Bishop Drexel Gomez (a conservative Anglican) is supportive of Nassau woman’s ordination, and chides his flock: The Nassau Guardian – www.thenassauguardian.com But these persons who are objecting are just a small minority of persons and that has not prevented the life of the church,” he said.