Wow! this is the second story to get “press” from the releases I was sending out last week… ironically, it’s based on a shorter, earlier version that I had edited down to remove some of the quotes in the hopes that it might be more likely to be run as a shorter item. It was sent to the same publisher, different little suburban paper. Bishop to visit Episcopal church in Elk Grove :: Lifestyles :: PIONEER PRESS :: Elk Grove Times Bishop to visit Episcopal church in Elk Grove January 17, 2008 Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal…
At last! One of the press releases pays off, very modestly. I sent PR #3 earlier to all my news contacts, and it’s more of a peppy upbeat thing than this one, which is cut and pasted from the original PR with quotes inserted by the diocesan communications guy – I had asked him to pass it along to Episcopal Life Online. That’s okay, I’ve got a contact now… we’ll see how that pans out. U.S. Episcopal Bishop To Visit EG Church By TOM ROBB Journal Reporter The presiding bishop of the United States Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine…
It’s very nice to see some friends getting good publicity! Episcopal Life Online – ARTS [Diocese of Southern Ohio] Mary Wanamaker spends most of her time in real life. She works at Columbus State Community College in the mathematics department and is a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, a newly restored Gothic Revival building in Capitol Square in the heart of Columbus, Ohio’s capital and largest city.At Trinity, Wanamaker serves on the vestry, chairs the hospitality and newcomer committee, and manages the church’s website. But in her downtime, this 49-year-old engages in “Second Life” — an online, 3-D virtual world…
I haven’t blogged the big news in great detail yet, but here it is: Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, head of the Episcopal Church, is coming to visit St Nicholas in Elk Grove Village, my parish. She’ll be wearing her pointy hat and carrying her curly stick and all, and we’re over the moon about it, and also now the panic is setting in. Father Steve wrote a press release, and I’ll be sending various versions of it out to The Media, and area Episcopal and other churches, and probably to area social service agencies and support groups. The gist…
Here’s one version of jolly old Kris Kringle: a cute little white goat with golden horns wishes the whole world a Keroppi Christmas, via Joi Ito’s Web: Merry Christmas [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="300" wmode="transparent" /] And here’s another version, which I also put in a post at the Holy Moly site, seeing as it’s a video of the Feast of St Nicholas as celebrated at Canterbury Cathedral, and we’re actually St Nicholas’ little Episcopal church in Elk Grove Village, IL: [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] The video is narrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, also known as “the ABC”…
 There are several “hot spots” in the Episcopal world, where churches or entire dioceses have already split away, or are working towards splitting away. One such is Falls Church, VA, site of one of the oldest and most wealthy Episcopal churches in the country, which became very conservative over the last few decades. Recently, they aligned with the Diocese of Nigeria, overseen by Bp. Akinola. But a significant fraction of the church did not go with them – although they didn’t have control of the property, so they began meeting nearby. The former Falls Church, now a CANA church, is…
Some days ago several Anglican wagses Went on a pub crawl, for to maken pilgimages To memorialize the Good Bishop of Southwark, Who once one Yule made merry, very merry, ‘thout shirk. And they wore costumes, and took pictures, and stopped traffic. Based on a real incident, with a real bishop, and a real Mercedes full of Christmas toys, and an (unbaptized) bear named Teddy. It’s all highly amusing, at least if your college career included an intensive study of Chaucer in the original Middle English, and you’ve since become a high-church Episcopalian. I’m left with just one niggling question:…
On a future trip to England, this might be fun – take a tour of an area’s churches by rail. Via ChurchRail Trail » The Cartoon Blog by Dave Walker
Earlier today, I had an extremely real-world experience; I attended Carmen McCall’s funeral at St Nicholas (Holy Moly). And sang. And cried. And hugged. And laughed. It was… pretty amazing. Carmen was a feisty older lady who in the last couple of years had major, major health problems. She had lived in Indiana and was very involved in volunteer work – especially in the area of AIDS and also at senior citizen homes. Her son is gay, and she always found the time to care for his friends and hug them, especially when they were lonely or hurting. She loved…
12 Things To Do In Second Life That Aren’t Embarrassing If Your Priest Or Rabbi Finds Out – Digital Life Blog – InformationWeek I get frustrated hearing people talk about how Second Life isn’t entertaining, or it’s only useful for advertising to “freaks,” “furries, ageplay perverts and prank-loving adolescents.” I finally decided to put together a list of things to do in Second Life, as a resource for people curious about the game, and also as something I can point to next time I read one of those misguided attacks.I don’t really blame the people who think there’s nothing to…