• Mini-Posts

    Dreams, What Dreams | iPad and Fares

    Chuck has cool dreams about dead spies. I have dreams about using an iPad to look up fare rules, complete with cute little icon graphics for each fare basis. What does the one that looks like the Queen of Hearts (medieval, Alice in Wonderland style) cost to change? What? Going back to bed now.

  • Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts

    Retire the ‘R’ Word

    I don’t use it, and you shouldn’t either. #FB The R-word: Evanston High School students fight the R-word – chicagotribune.com Evanston Township High School senior Megan McCareins wants to stamp out the R-word as she and others try to change how fellow students talk and think about people with intellectual difficulties. McCareins and a handful of students recently gathered more than 3,000 signatures from students and staff, who pledged to stop using the words “retard” or “retarded” as an offhanded insult or in a derogatory manor. “Hopefully this campaign will mean people will always be thinking about their choice of…

  • Mini-Posts

    Hair Gadgetry

    Bought one of these hair comb/clip things tonight, and David bought me some pretty new hair sticks. Check out the webpage for the combs at Maui Daisy Wear

  • Mini-Posts

    Uh, No

    I totally disagree that “less frequent mammograms” is an idea that’s good for women’s health. I’m just sayin.’ An influential government advisory group has issued new guidelines recommending that women have a mammogram every two years instead of annually between the ages of 50 and 74.

  • Mini-Posts

    Workout Diary | Marking Time

    Dang, I’ve been working out consistently the last couple of weeks – 3 or 4 times a week. Plus last weekend, we went for a couple of 2+ mile walks. Yet, I’m stuck at 224 at the moment, I was 225 last week and the week before.  I think part of the problem was some big, heavy meals.  But those were various special occasions, so I hope to get back on track next week.  Bonus: realized I can also work out on Sundays,  so I don’t backslide too much over the weekend.

  • Mini-Posts

    Shared Links November 13th

    The Gut Response To What We Eat : NPR School’s past comes to light — chicagotribune.com – WordPress › SimplePie Core « WordPress Plugins – Required plugin for use with Postalicious Ex-Congressman William Jefferson Gets 13 Years Prison Time – Of course he should – crooks deserve to go to prison. | none Republicans Are Shocked The Public Is Mad At Them For Voting Against Franken’s Anti-Rape Amendment – “So basically, the only lesson they learned is that next time, they have to hide their votes when they decide to screw over women’s rights. That way, they can support their…