Too close to home, and EMA is one of my clients’ locations. Yikes! Cargo Plane High Alert
Wow, it’s been years since I messed with Technorati, but here goes… just staking my claim with my nifty token. 6GCBA5SMG846
Funny how this works. I have a high tolerance for clutter yet feel much calmer once I finally buckle down and clean. After watching the latest Hoarders episode, I often feel the need to clean the counters. Tonight I threw a trashbag full of partly used “hotel amenities” and travel size items from trips out of the bathroom cabinet. And cleaned the kitchen, and cleared all the stuff off the dressers. Still some laundry to wash, fold, sort later. Maybe after watching another episode; got reruns to catch up on. Got a houseguest coming in a couple of weeks, I’m…
Dispatches from the Culture Wars.
Beck’s team got a permit for 300,000, about 87,000 showed up. Via @KeithOlbermann Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000 – Political Hotsheet – CBS News An estimated 87,000 people attended a rally organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.
…because the Lord gave him a strong impression… or something. Church of Firstborn president and first counselor charged in girl’s rape | The Salt Lake Tribune.
45 minutes on reclining bike today + 40 mins swimming Tuesday = decent reboot of workout routine. Next week aim higher. #fb
… because it’s important to know what the cat is doing all day. #FB Sony Makes Cats Tweet With Wearable Lifelogging Device — Tech-On!
I volunteered to help out with a project, and now it appears the parameters have changed completely from what I thought I signed on for. Of course, just when I thought it was almost done…
Getting some traction on taking the church blog and turning it into the main website for St Nick’s. It’s quite difficult to migrate a domain from to as it is, but the former web admin (who’s moving on to be ordained as a deacon soon) struggled with the Yahoo side. Finally, finally he was able to call us so David could try to walk him through it. Whew. Found a great theme, though: Shadowbox.