• Hot Off The Presses - Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Netroots UK: Good Luck Stormin’ The Castle

    Hope this conference went well and didn’t get bogged down in “long-winded” discussions. This Saturday we’re hosting the first annual Netroots UK conference. It brings together the new generation of left activists, working and discussing politics online, with the veteran institutions of trade unions and many more in between. The hope is that we can begin to build a new infrastructure to bring together campaigners and activists so that they can learn from each other. Our plan isn’t to have long-winded discussions, but create useful spaces where people can discuss strategy drawing on their experience of local campaigns: what works…

  • Mini-Posts

    Leisure and Hubbub and hello, 11th year of the 21st Century!

    I ended up getting the day off as it’s pretty slow at work, but instead of a quiet day at home with my husband David and Mr. Rileycat, working on any one of dozens of vaguely important projects, I’m bouncing from place to place in the house. The cleaning service showed up today after all (David couldn’t remember if he’d cancelled them for this week) and so they’re bustling around and I’m doing my best to either keep ahead of them (last minute cleanup job on the stovetop, catbox, dishwasher) or stay out of the way. Seems to be working…

  • Health And Fitness - Mini-Posts

    My Supplies Cycle

    Oh, THERE you are, unwelcome visitor. What’s it been, since August? Then February? At this rate I’ll only have to buy “supplies” twice a year. Guess my teammates joke about “manopause” due to the excessive heat n the office was better than he knew.

  • Mini-Posts

    Hope This Isn’t A Flash In The Pan

    Adobe Flash is officially banned from Apple iOS software. So does that mean you can’t view Flash content on your iPhone or iPad? Well, not exactly. Beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning – mark your calendars – the Apple Store will reportedly begin selling a $2.99 app called Skyfire, which effectively lets iPhone and iPad users perform an end-run around the Flash ban. via How to get Adobe Flash on your iPhone and iPad – CSMonitor.com.

  • Mini-Posts - Politics, Schmolitics

    Vote Informed Tomorrow

    Last time around I forgot to print off the guides to the “down-ticket” races and felt very uncomfortable voting for complete unknowns in the many, many judges’ races. VoteForJudges.org Gives Voters the Information They Need To Make An Informed Decision When Judging The Judges On The November Election Ballot Via Vote For Judges