Listening to this excellent repeat; the full series is here People between the ages of 18 and 25 are the most likely of any age group to experience mental illness. They’re also the least likely age group to get adequate services, and often have difficulty navigating the complex transformation into adulthood known as “the transition cliff.†via The tricky transition to adulthood | WBEZ
Read the juicy quotes by IL-08 GOP leaders, who’re mighty ticked at Teabagger Joe, and then enjoy Tammy Duckworth’s devastating smack down. Link: Anger Among Party As Walsh District Shops
We’re still humming the theme song… but there are some new surprises and twists, so it was NOT predictable other than a big damn happy ending. Which made me tear up, as I was a big Muppet Show fan back in the day. When it was announced on Tuesday that US TV broadcaster NBC has commissioned a script for a new series of the Muppets, the reaction among critics, commentators and tweeters was, frankly, remarkable. It is rare that a four-decades old franchise can announce a return to TV and prompt such unabashed enthusiasm as well as a total lack…
Note to self: get podcast or link to this morning’s On Being show on linguistics. Krista Tippet’s guest was really interesting but I was a little groggy.
Via NPR, the storm as of yesterday: Airlines canceled flights, schools closed and residents accustomed to dealing with snow, sleet and ice rushed to gather supplies ahead of a storm system that could be the biggest many cities have seen in years.
As you can see, Doctor Bob is a human veterinarian. And Doctor Leon, who is both big-boned and fluffy, is a feline consulting specialist. Dr Leon strolled into the exam room the other day to greet me warmly, and then assisted the vet tech in showing me how I will administer Riley’s pills. He gobbled up the extra “pills” after the demonstration concluded. He obviously loves his work. Our Doctors
Arlington Cat Clinic in Arlington Heights, IL has been a full service feline veterinary hospital in the NW suburbs since 1988. We understand the special role your pet plays in your family and are dedicated to becoming your partner in your pet’s health care from kitten hood to its senior years. We specialize in preventive health care including vaccinations, dental care, diagnostics and surgery. In addition, we offer behavioral consultations, grooming and boarding services. The clinic also carries effective flea products and special diets, as well as cat toys and gifts. Via Arlington Cat Clinic
BUDA, Texas — Talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Some members of the Capitol press corps took a 10-hour concealed handgun safety and shooting class this week – an exercise less about getting a weapon than getting into the Capitol. Visitors now must pass through metal detectors, virtually guaranteeing delays. But there’s an express lane for people with a concealed handgun permit. The theory, apparently, is that people licensed to pack heat have undergone a thorough background check and can be waved right through. via Straight-shooting press corps members get CHL permits for express access to Texas Capitol…
Hope this conference went well and didn’t get bogged down in “long-winded” discussions. This Saturday we’re hosting the first annual Netroots UK conference. It brings together the new generation of left activists, working and discussing politics online, with the veteran institutions of trade unions and many more in between. The hope is that we can begin to build a new infrastructure to bring together campaigners and activists so that they can learn from each other. Our plan isn’t to have long-winded discussions, but create useful spaces where people can discuss strategy drawing on their experience of local campaigns: what works…
The first comment to hit on my incoherent running-off-at-the-mouth rant was spam, for an anti-snoring device.