If JJ Abrams directs the next Star Wars movie, I'll call it "Star Wars: We Don' Need No Steenkin' Ewoks. Embedded Link Nerds Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Roman Numerals To Identify Star Trek MoviesNerds Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Roman Numerals To Identify Star Trek Movies My husband David and I were watching a cable rerun of one of the original-cast Star Trek movies last night, because we are nerds and thus we have no life. The o My husband David and I were watching a … Google+: View post on Google+
Where are all the ancient Viking malt brewing houses? We know they drank ale; archeologists now think the "bath houses" located next to the drinking halls were actually "brew houses." So no, the Vikings were not into bathing, they were into brewing! Embedded Link http://experimentalarchaeologyuk.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/where-were-the-viking-brew-houses-by-dineley-and-dineley-final.pdf Google+: View post on Google+
As the Jezebel response to the NY Mag article notes, we are all scathed. Embedded Link How to Survive High School Unscathed (Even After the Fact) How does a human being make it through high school unscathed? Short answer: You can’t. Everyone is scathed. High school is a crazy emotional Thunderdome where daffy bureaucrats put hundreds of hormona… Google+: View post on Google+
Think I did it right this time, thought link sharing was automatic if it was in the clipboard. Embedded Link Why You Truly Never Leave High School New science on its corrosive, traumatizing effects. Google+: View post on Google+
We finally got snow, and the bunnies already went snow-showing. Google+: View post on Google+
Dozens of clothing racks marked CLEARANCE!!! full of winter wear in what is normally the home and garden area at our local Sears. All decor stripped from the walls, lots of bare spots showing wear and tear. Are they getting ready to remodel and paint, or is it on the way out? Google+: View post on Google+
Our local Sears is looking run-down and shabby – bare walls, missing racks, no sales help in Hardware on a Friday night… Google+: View post on Google+
And then I read this and realized there was a strong underlying neurological reason why brooding about my disappointing high school years seems more… satisfying than replaying old scenes from college or afterwards. And my mopey but awesome command of goof wasn't that original. Google+: View post on Google+
And then I read this and realized there was a strong underlying neurological reason why brooding about my disappointing high school years seems more… satisfying than replaying old scenes from college or afterwards. And my mopey but awesome command of goof wasn't that original. Google+: View post on Google+
I spent all day writing this moody, self-absorbed post, in reaction to a story on Oprah. Also in the back of my mind was a story on high school that I'd barely skimmed, and then another one cropped up belatedly in my feed. I was not alone, apparently – nobody that survives high school is. Google+: View post on Google+