I did manage to bake some decent bread, every few weeks. But it’s not easy.
“A lot of rocks can seem like they’re meteorites, but they’re not,” she said. “We call these meteor-wrongs.”
I can’t wait to watch Eugene Levy cringe and then relax into seeing the world.
Loud booing. Animated conversations in the aisles of the House chamber. Sleeping children. Lawmakers scrolling on their phones. — Read on www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/05/c-span-cameras-house-speaker-vote/
Gaelic origins of Icelandic words and landmarks challenge orthodox view of Viking heritage, says author — Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/04/iceland-language-culture-inspired-gaelic-settlers-says-author
Outside of the speaker’s role effectively running the House, they are also in the line of succession for president – raising questions about what happens if there’s no one in the position that’s second in line for the presidency after the vice president. The Senate president pro tempore is third in line. Sen. Patty Murray was elected to that role Tuesday, making the Democrat from Washington the first woman to hold the position. — Read on www.cnn.com/2023/01/04/politics/what-happens-without-house-speaker/index.html
Many of us struggle with self-control. And we assume willpower is the key to achieving our goals. But there’s a simple and often overlooked mental habit — Read on hiddenbrain.org/podcast/where-gratitude-gets-you/ I am totally a grasshopper. But a good thing to practice in the coming year is gratitude, rather than trying to guilt myself into a goal. Posting to my #Wordpress blog this via the #Tooot #sharesheet in #iOS as a “publish immediately” post. The “draft” option in the #iPhone app didn’t trigger the #Mastodon plugin. It works from the desktop version but there’s a little checkbox that should always be…
Kevin Lygo says presenter should apologise for column about Duchess of Sussex that attracted record number of complaints.
Findings this month of geoglyphs, which date back more than 2,000 years, are smaller and can be seen from the ground — Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/19/peru-nazca-plain-ancient-art-new-designs-discovered
Learning to control impulsivity does not come naturally, says Philippa Perry. The key is in developing the right skill sets — Read on www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/dec/18/ask-philippa-perry-why-am-i-always-so-angry