• All Things Interesting - The Life of Riley - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Deblogging: It’s Like Debugging, But With Words

    It’s been such a long time since I’ve written anything about the goings-on here at Chez Gique. Why? I’ve been putting stuff off, and avoiding my desktop computer, and not using the laptop because it seems really slow and pokey now, and a whole host of reasons. The backlog of Stuff I Need To Do and the backlog of Stuff I Should Blog About is just… enormous, and the tools at my disposal (newish iPhone, newish iPad mini) are usually being used for important stuff like reading about someone doing something worng on the Internets, or playing Minion Rush. So…

  • Home Improvement - The Life of Riley

    And Snow, It Finally Begins

    Was home Friday, had a thing I couldn’t schedule on the weekend, an errand at village hall, and other chores. Originally had a vet appointment for Riley, but pushed it to tomorrow, as I didn’t want to mess with fresh snow and traffic snarls while trying to transport him (he gets spectacularly carsick). He had a scary problem earlier this week, vet thinks he has GERD so now I get to give him the kitty dose of Pepcid AC in addition to the other stuff. He’s maintaining weight, though. And last night he entertained us with his Bowl o’ Cat…

  • The Life of Riley

    Riley News: LOVE Them Tuna Treats

    Riley’s been doing really well since we got his prednisolone reformulated as a tuna-flavored liquid treat – he loves lapping it up from a plastic syringe that’s designed for “oral” applications. Thank goodness for Keefer’s Pharmacy: Keefer’s Pharmacy, along with being a regular pharmacy, is also proud to be a Compounding Pharmacy. This means that Keefer’s has the ability to make up medications that aren’t commercially available. The spectrum of compounding is broad, but Keefer’s covers almost everything. And, in addition to compounding for people, Keefer’s Pharmacy makes up almost a significant portion of their medications for pets. via Compounding…

  • The Life of Riley - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Riley Doing Well At The Kitty Spa

    While we’re on vacation, I checked with our vet, Arlington Cat Clinic, where Riley is being boarded (and probably being a little boreded). He’s fine, eating well, getting his meds. Doc Esbenson thinks he should have better “numbers” for white blood cell count, though, so he will check with a specialist. They’re taking good care of Riley and report that he really, REALLY likes the Fancy Feast Extra Gravy style that we sent along with his prescription Science Diet food. We miss Riley and although we’ll be sad that vacation’s over, we’ll be glad to bring Riley home once we…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Religion - SciFi/Fantasy - The Life of Riley

    Resolutions Not Meant To Be Broken If I Can Help It And Not Force-Fed Chocolate

    Isn’t this a boring blog? Isn’t it? My life’s not really this boring, it’s just that I rarely take the time to write a full-bore flat-spin blog post anymore. I fall back on my old standbys, Google Reader (shared news) and my various Twitter accounts. I can’t catch up on blogging during the work week for going on 3 years, so every now and then I do a big “here’s what’s been going on” catchall. Yeah, boring. And I haven’t even really done a big London mixed-grill slap-up bang-up, either. The pictures are still on my hard drives – the…

  • The Life of Riley

    String on a Stick

    This is an older video, I was just testing whether the YouTube embed code from their main site (resized to 480×385) works better here and on the iPhone than the plugin I’ve been using. It’s a string on a stick! Woo!

  • The Life of Riley

    We’re going to the V-E-T

    @MrRileycatEsq and I are going to the k-i-t-t-y d-o-c-t-o-r in about 10 minutes. Routine checkup, will be asking them about the adolescent acne that he seems to have on his fuzzy little chin. As usual, he will yowl all the way there and barf on the way back, so it’ll be an awfully fun time for all.