David and I tried a couple of times to see Syriana – both times we weren’t able to get tickets and left rather than wait around for the next show. Then, we ended up missing it because it wasn’t playing the next time we felt like seeing a movie. I think we’ll end up renting it – we haven’t gotten into Netflix yet, so Blockbuster is fine for now.
Did these guys call each other before they got dressed for their big day out going to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry? Here they are, purchasing transit cards, which probably means they’re tourists. Their caps are all perfect fits for their perfectly round heads – they looked like a set of bobbleheads that decided to go on a spree. I’d like to know why the guy onthe far left broke the fashion rules and isn’t wearing a white shirt though. He’s too matchy! And yes, I’ll probably regret trying to use yet another beta upgrade of ecto, because every…
I started a really, really long post about our visit to the Museum of Science and Industry‘s Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, but then ecto and I had a parting of the ways and my post got totally messed up. I had a ton of links that were all formatted incorrectly, and then my attempts to add text got formatted all wrong because ecto does not play well if you switch between “Rich View” formatting and “HTML View” formatting. Plus, the backspace key behaves oddly in ecto, and I over-deleted a bunch of critical text. Bad, bad things happen. For instance,…
BBC NEWS | Technology | US Yahoo offers copy-free music Internet company Yahoo has released its first music download from a major record label without copy protection. A Public Affair by Jessica Simpson does not have any digital rights management (DRM) restrictions often found on tracks from other sites. The MP3 is compatible with any digital music player, including Apple’s popular iPod player and others. Nice of them, but it’s Jessica Simpson. Get back to me when it’s someone with musical talent.
The big news in reality shows this week is that there’s pretty damning evidence that a Project Runway contestant may have copied photos from online, run them through a “sketch” filter with Photoshop, and submitted them as his own sketches in order to get on the show. If true, the consequences are pretty fraught for the Project Runway producers and BravoTV. This story made Yahoo! news, some other online entertainment news sites, and so on, but was broken by a TWOP poster named “victor rolf.” The thread that started it all: Spoilers – TWoP Forums viktor spotted it first, and…
I don’t usually go for memes, but this one caught my eye. The idea is, if you’ve watched at least 3 episodes, you get to put the show title in bold. There are a couple of shows, like Inuyasha or Father Ted, where I’ve seen one episode or two, and might have watched more if I’d remembered to schedule the time. Add to this the new SciFi.com show Eureka, which premiered tonight. We liked it a lot,and added it to the Season Pass list. Also, they have the coolest.shwag.evar advertised on the Made In Eureka home page. I wants me…
I was doing my travel agent-y thing the other morning and had occasion to call a Hilton hotel to try to change an existing reservation. Apparently, they had only trainees available who didn’t know how to make the modification I needed – so I was put on hold while they figured out what to tell me (short answer: book additional nights myself in my system). While on hold, I heard a few notes of the “music” they use for such things, and to my surprise it was not only a tune I recognized, but one I have on iTunes and also one…
Let’s face it, I have no friggin’ clue who reads this stuff, or if I have readers at this here point. I have a stats page, which I check now and then and note that “readership” seems to be going up. But when I dig into said stats, it appears that many of my readership seem to stop by for a few seconds to attempt to leave spam in the comments before leaving. Or, they’re using an image from here as an avatar at MyDumbass or PrincessMarySueFanfic.com There are at least one or two of you, because you comment, and…
Officials criticize ‘Hooters for Neuters’ – Yahoo! News LOS ANGELES – Several city officials on Tuesday sharply criticized a planned bikini contest to raise money for spaying pets, saying the “Hooters for Neuters” event was degrading to women. Unacceptable! Incredibly offensive! And completely degrading to OWLS, too!
All in all, it was a perfect day here in Suburbia Nervosa. I had friends who were going to be at the Pirate Fest in Port Washington, WI, so my husband David and I had decided to drive up for a few hours. Since getting an early start wasn’t all that necessary, we lolled around drinking coffee, listening to the Saturday lineup on WBEZ (naturally, we listened to WWDTM) and eventually gathered a few odds and ends that included cameras, hats, sunscreen… and books. One of my friends is a writer and would be signing copies of his latest book…