Get Fuzzy is particularly funny today. Sometimes, the payoff is in the second panel, and what happens in the third panel is mostly left to the imagination.
My husband David did one load. The rest of the mountain of laundry is awaiting us upstairs, in the bedroom/laundry dump. Now that we’re both working out (at sundry health clubs) there’s even more laundry to be done, and critically stinky laundry at that. Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons. Jason Mraz: Geek In the Pink: Mr. A-Z [3:55] Fitness, Laundry, We Blog Cartoons
NPR : White House Retreats on Divisive Issues He'll have to make a compelling case for them next week, when he delivers his State of the Union address Tuesday to the first Democratic Congress in more than a decade. Oh boy! I wonder if Adam Felber will have a new drinking game for this year's SOTU address?? [tags]NPR, Adam Felber, SOTU, Drinking Game[/tags]
This post is not going to make sense to anyone who doesn’t both have a blog and post photos to Flickr. Several dozen (or hundred, or thousand, or hundred-thousand) people on Flickr are either really ticked off at me, or they know that I’ve been revealed as a completely clueless user of the WordPress plugin, Photo Album. Or both I didn’t configure it right, and through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, people started complaining yesterday in at least two well-traveled and high traffic forums connected to a couple of large photo groups on Flickr. People were yelling for my…
Third Coast International Audio Festival // Chicago Public Radio This week we bring you an award-winning world premiere: Rebecca Sheirs The End as Beginning: An Audio Exploration of the Jewish View of Death. The trilogy blends interviews, personal reflections, and music, and focuses on death and the Jewish tradition. The work is an explanation, an illustration, and an investigation all in one — and it balances these elements so beautifully that "Honoring the Body: Taharah" the second segment won the 2006 Third Coast Festival Directors Choice Award. I have experienced some of the things described in Part One as a…
What I Did Over Christmas Vacation « Missed Manners At least three. These folks need to hook up with Fellowship of the Peep for the next candy "movie," when they re-create Minas Tirith Via BoingBoing.
One of these top ten images taken through the Hubble telescope is going to be my new desktop image. I had been using one that's a color-enhanced shot of the full moon. My husband's first words on seeing them: "Whoa." Via Dave :: Eye in the sky
NPR : U.S. Detains 6 Iranians in Irbil Raid Bush's new strategy, however, ignores key recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, which in December called for a new diplomatic offensive and an outreach to Syria and Iran. Instead, the president accused both countries of aiding terrorists and insurgents in Iraq. "We will disrupt the attacks on our forces," Bush said. "We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria." Audio of speech plays under sweetened video of the exercise. Meanwhile, video of Syrian government officials making conciliatory statements about a more cooperative relationship with the Americans is being cued up…
NPR : Somalia Raids Were Long in the Making
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Britain plans first Moon mission Britain plans its first lunar probe… with the goal of an international lunar colony by 2020. Better late than never.