Flickr’s been bugging me to update my log-in from the “old skool” ID I originally built to a Yahoo-based ID. So I did it, and then after it was too late, they airily mention on the “welcome to the new skool” landing page that any API-based Flickr tools and applications I may have might not work anymore. Oh. Well, thank you for warning me in advance. ecto uses a very handy and important-to-me API app that pulls in photos from Flickr very easily so I can post them, and also eventually I’ll get the Photo Album plug-in working on my…
Flickr: WordPress Flickr Plugins The fix for deleting groups display within the WordPress Photo Album plugin for Flicker is in the linked post.
According to this, the Flickr Album plugin that I had used and then abandoned for a while isn’t working with the latest version of WordPress 2.1, which we’re now running here. I’m hoping there’ll be a fix for the little problem I encountered where the default setting is to pull ALL photos from ALL groups onto the photo gallery page. Also, something to fix the display problem when there are links in the descriptions. WordPress 2.1 (and 2.0.7) Support Status : tan tan noodles – msg free since 2005
Get Fuzzy Oh, shit, I'm cryin' here, it's that funny.
Enough time has gone by since Holy Innocents closed that I think I can now deal with telling the story of the last 2 services held there. There aren’t many photos, because I was struggling with the settings on the camera and also because much of the time, I was holding either a hymnal or the Book of Common Prayer. Christmas Eve was pretty but… it’s already faded into a sort of mish-mosh of previous years. However, a couple of things stand out. First, someone forgot to clue Fr. Steve in on using the little hand-candles for a candlelit portion,…
Get Fuzzy cracks me up for the second day in a row. Redial!
YouTube – Chord Hat – Jim & Fred Yes, everyone else is linking to this, but it's funny and the music is great, dammit.
YouTube – Chord Hat – Jim & Fred Yes, everyone else is linking to this, but it's funny and the music is great, dammit.
YouTube – Chord Hat – Jim & Fred Yes, everyone else is linking to this, but it's funny and the music is great, dammit.
SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel SCI FI Channel has added two movies to its 2007 production slate, including one starring Highlanders Adrian Paul, and given the green light to another three for development as part of the new Saturday-night programming block called "SCI FI Saturday: The Most Dangerous Night of Television." The following films are scheduled to premiere in 2007: The Lost Colony, starring Paul, about the age-old mystery surrounding the lost colony of Roanoke, and King Arthur & The Order of the Dragon, written by Tim Cox and Brook Durham Mammoth and…