• Clan: McTiVo

    Amazing Race: All Stars

    It’s that show again, and David’s doing his best to hunker down and ignore the hollering from my end of the couch. Rileycat has run into the other room, looking for invisible Martian cats (owing to the “meowing” sound effects .wav David found the other night) so it’s time to watch the season premiere of Amazing Race, featuring a bunch of “All Stars” from seasons past. Kevin and Drew! Rob and Ambuh. BoOOOOOOO!!!111!!! Uchenna and Joyce. Meh. They won before, and I’m not into them. Dustin and Kandice MEH!!! They don’t deserve this. NOT All-Star material. Joe and Bill. Gentlemen,…

  • Flickr - Health And Fitness - Moblog

    Stick Figure

    Here's the story on this image, which I took with the cameraphone, naturally, a week or so ago. This is one of the motivational posters dotted about the health club at work. At least in the women's locker room, the images are mostly of fit, strong, healthy looking women. The poster above is directly across from where my locker usually is, and I was spending a lot of time looking at it and pondering the message.  This is not the picture of health I want to emulate. Strong, yes. Stick-figure thin and disturbingly skeletal, no.   Via: Flickr Title: 02-01-07_1453.jpg…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Norman Lovett – RIP or something like it

    Norman Lovett – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This "obit" from the Wikipedia section dealing with the long-running British sci-fi sitcom "Red Dwarf" deserves to be left "up," in spite of one or two minor factual errors. Also, it's triffic. I hope no pretentious accuracy-obsessed smeghead volunteer editors mess with it:  Sadly, Norman was killed during the 2006 Dimension Jump. During a question and answer session, he had spent three hours giving reasons why having three more lines in 'Back in the Red' would have made the entire season better. Enraged at how bitter and annoying he was, the audience stormed…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Norman Lovett – RIP or something like it

    Norman Lovett – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This "obit" from the Wikipedia section dealing with the long-running British sci-fi sitcom "Red Dwarf" deserves to be left "up," in spite of one or two minor factual errors. Also, it's triffic. I hope no pretentious accuracy-obsessed smeghead volunteer editors mess with it:  Sadly, Norman was killed during the 2006 Dimension Jump. During a question and answer session, he had spent three hours giving reasons why having three more lines in 'Back in the Red' would have made the entire season better. Enraged at how bitter and annoying he was, the audience stormed…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Norman Lovett – RIP or something like it

    Norman Lovett – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This "obit" from the Wikipedia section dealing with the long-running British sci-fi sitcom "Red Dwarf" deserves to be left "up," in spite of one or two minor factual errors. Also, it's triffic. I hope no pretentious accuracy-obsessed smeghead volunteer editors mess with it:  Sadly, Norman was killed during the 2006 Dimension Jump. During a question and answer session, he had spent three hours giving reasons why having three more lines in 'Back in the Red' would have made the entire season better. Enraged at how bitter and annoying he was, the audience stormed…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Funnies

    Pimp My Poop

    Drain cleaning company Roto-Rooter is giving away this ridiculous “pimped-out” toilet as part of a promotional sweepstakes. The winner will be announced on April 25, National Plumber’s Day. The irony is that the toilet itself seems pretty standard. They should have gone for one of those self-cleaning Japanese models with the bidet and sound effects generator. That’s got to be a mockup. I agree that a high-end Toto Japanese toilet is the Cadillac of thrones. Via Boing Boing: Luxury crapper contest

  • Funnies - Mini-Posts

    Mashup of RAV4 owners and RenFaire madness

    What do you get if you mix 2 apparently disparate interests? Such as, say, Toyota RAV4s, and Renaissance Faire-type re-enactor silliness? You get Rav4 Jousting. I own a RAV. I own Ren Faire garb. Luckily, I don't have a moonroof, so I won't be going on the jousting circut anytime soon.  

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Life On Mars Returns in 2007

    BBC – Drama – Life On Mars – Series 2 The excellent BBC cop show about a modern day police detective who has some sort of accident in 2006 and wakes up in 1973, as a cop, in that very shaggy, very “me decade” decade returns sometime this year on BBC One. There’s no telling how long until it shows up on BBC America, though, which leaves me feeling a bit glum. That reminds me – I really need to check out BBCA and see if I need to ginger up TiVo a bit. Arcade Fire & David Bowie: Life…