Living on Earth: New Studies Link Asthma, Prostate Cancer to Toxic Chemicals CURWOOD: Dr. Myers I know the study didn’t look at this at all but the asthma epidemic is really big in cities and really big among poor people. What questions would you want to ask as a researcher to link that prevalence of disease in those populations to what is being found in this research? MYERS: That’s a great question, Steve and all the science isn’t in on the answer yet. But there are a couple of clues that we can take from this. One is that the…
Get Fuzzy Semper Fi! Semper Fi! Meow meow meow!
SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel | SCIFI.COM The Dresden Files, based on Jim Butcher's series of novels, follows the adventures of Chicago detective and wizard Harry Dresden. So far this season, Harry's relationship with the High Council, a powerful group that oversees the magical community, has been tenuous since they suspect he used dark magic to kill his uncle. The final episode of the season will be "Second City," which will air April 15. Simkins promised that it will not be a cliffhanger. "While that does work for a lot of shows, we…
SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel | SCIFI.COM The Dresden Files, based on Jim Butcher's series of novels, follows the adventures of Chicago detective and wizard Harry Dresden. So far this season, Harry's relationship with the High Council, a powerful group that oversees the magical community, has been tenuous since they suspect he used dark magic to kill his uncle. The final episode of the season will be "Second City," which will air April 15. Simkins promised that it will not be a cliffhanger. "While that does work for a lot of shows, we…
I read just now on her blog that Holly Mullen will now be an editor at the City Weekly, a Salt Lake alternative newspaper. She had been a well-regarded columnist at the Salt Lake Trib, but left in a disagreement over the direction the paper was taking. She is happy about this development. Very happy! And before the news was even official, a former collegue called and got the scoop. And somehow, the Trib has even discovered Holly's unofficial new duty: she is now apparently in charge of editing names. The City Weekly's blog noticed this fact in an early…
MyPetVideos.TV yes, they're funny cats, on video. Includes clips of stuff I've seen before (the Karate Kitty vs. the Kung Meow Master, for example) along with music.
MyPetVideos.TV yes, they're funny cats, on video. Includes clips of stuff I've seen before (the Karate Kitty vs. the Kung Meow Master, for example) along with music.
Heh. Brother Causticus had the right idea: pay for the Archbishop's travel to visit we poor benighted colonials instead of his ultra-conservative chums in Africa, via an eBay auction: See American bishops in their native habitat! The bishops of the American Episcopal Church have asked Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to make an unprecedented and long-delayed visit to them in North America to discuss the Current Unpleasantness pre-occupying the Anglican Communion. The Americans assure ++Cantuar that their Christian hospitality will match that of the various fissiparous bishops he has broken bread with on multiple continents. So that the plate…
And now for something completely different: a blog about running a stately home that's part residence, part public museum, and completely amusing: Stately Moans: November 2006 The Cow Whisperer I stood at the gates, trying to pinpoint where the noise was coming from. I’d driven up to the entrance to unlock the gates and had heard something new and interesting. Ah! There! Peering over the hedge I could see the Farmer on his quad bike, attempting to round up his herd of cows. He was not doing terribly well. The cows were forming breakaway groups and scattering to all four…
Bet bathroom breaks are interesting at the corporate luau event… As seen at Boing Boing: Living tables — catering centaurs