FRONTLINE: endgame | PBS I caught the tail end of this before “P.O.V.” started – looked interesting and you can watch online.
Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1942.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.43pm CDT PST The Village, its wisdom, decided to repave all the streets in our subdivision this summer, and the notification letter was received Wednesday, when we went out of town. Although they’d previously announced we’d have more notice, they actually gave only 2 days’ warning before taking off the first layer of asphalt, on Friday. We returned Sunday night from our trip to find that the street was blocked off to thru traffic, but somewhat driveable. Good thing we moved the cars this morning before we left, they…
…that I can parallel park. This skill will come in handy in the coming weeks, as the driveway will be all torn up due to the street reconstruction project. Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1940.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.42pm CDT PST
Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1924.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.25pm CDT PST Seen at Walgreens: a rabbit not long for this world, given the nature of his nesting material.  And no, I did not pose it there – someone else out here in the bland, featureless suburbs has a somewhat roccoco sense of humor. Oh. Wait… this just begs to be cheezburg0red.
Thanks to the good offices of Father Jake, we now know that God placed an ad in the British newspaper The Independent, trying to get someone’s attention at the time of the G8 meetings: Father Jake Stops the World: God Places Ad in British Paper In our area we occasionally get roadside billboards from the Almighty, such as “Don’t make me come down there – God” in times of national stupidity. But this is pretty classy. I hope God got a good deal for the full-pager and shows some return on His advertising pound.
Enjoy the highly amusing parody Steam Trek, featuring the winsome Mr. Soot and the great use he puts to those boring old Captain’s Logs. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] YouTube – Steam Trek: The Moving Picture (Star Trek Parody)
Enjoy the highly amusing parody Steam Trek, featuring the winsome Mr. Soot and the great use he puts to those boring old Captain’s Logs. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] YouTube – Steam Trek: The Moving Picture (Star Trek Parody)
Global Nerdy » LOLCODE, the LOLCat Programming Language LOLCODE is your standard Algol-style programming language (Algol is the grandfather of just about every popular current programming language) married to the lolcat captioning style — that is, ALL CAPS and I CAN HAS SILLY CAT GRAMMER AND SPELING KTHXBYE.Here’s HAI WORLD, the LOLCODE version of “Hello, World!â€: HAI  CAN HAS STDIO?  VISIBLE "HAI WORLD!"  KTHXBYE Here’s something that outputs the numbers 1 through 10, a classic beginner’s exercise: HAI  CAN HAS STDIO?  I HAS A VAR  IM IN YR LOOP  UP VAR!!1  VISIBLE VAR  IZ VAR BIGGER THAN 10? KTHXBYE  IM…
The Braid Blog – Two Communities Coming Together To Make… Oh, my Dog. Well, the old Holy Moly blog from has now been refurbished and pointed to the new site. Redirected, too. The new site has a paltry “click here for more news and events” link on just the main page. Will have to inquire about having a “Blog” link added to the links template on the side as well. This was complicated; I didn’t realize David had upgraded the HI blog installation to WordPress 2.2, while this site is still at 2.1, pending a few plugins that…
Destination Creation» Blog Archive » Reality Simpsons: The Family They all look like my cow-orkers. Really. Lisa looks just like this woman from another team who pretty much smiles like that constantly, although her hair isn’t spiky. Bart looks… disturbingly like someone who’s been on my team before and has bounced to and from several other teams – too smart for his own good, he gets bored and likes change. Even Maggie looks like someone, although the person I have in mind is a lot older and a LOT more talkative. Marge looks like Lisa, but also resembles the one…