Spoilers Ho! There are graphic links to upcoming episodes and titles with far too much information if you look too closely at the right hand sidebar on Behind the Sofa. But it’s a “for adults only” kind of fan/review site with plenty of, er, bodily fluids being bandied about, spewed, and wiped up. But it’s quite funny and insightful reading, once you step around the gleeful puddles of fangoo generated by the reappearance of some crabby monsters – just as a kind of slobby bottom-dressing to the main action – from a “classic” episode in 1967. Behind the Sofa –…
Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Concert Series Just noting for future reference: concert venue moved from the Ritz to Napili Kai.
kink.fm – Homepage Portland, OR’s FM stalward KINK-FM finally gets their broadcast streaming – I’ve been emailing them off and on for… well, years now, begging them to stream their stuff. I used to listen when I lived in Oregon – one place I lived was particularly good for listening to their distant signal from Portland, because it was a third-floor apartment in an old boarding house in Eugene, with a northward facing window and nearly direct line-of-sight. Ah, it’s good to hear this station again.
BBC ON THIS DAY | 7 | 2005: Bomb attacks on London 2005: Bomb attacks on London A series of bomb attacks on London’s transport network has killed more than 30 people and injured about 700 others. Three explosions on the Underground left 35 dead and two died in a blast on a double decker bus. It was two years ago today that London suffered the devastating suicide bomber attacks on the Underground and on a bus. I was horrified, and set up a quick photo of a funny little mug that I bought on a trip to London many…
AKMA’s Random Thoughts Now, let’s ask the embarrassing question. which is your church more like: the office funny guy repeating something that someone once thought was amusing, or the brilliantly subtle, detailed creation of a physical-world Kwik-E-Mart? Much of the time, my rants about attention to detail and communicating carefully and responsibly and deliberately, are drowned out by a culture of casualness, spontaneity, free-wheelin’ yada yada yada. Hey, spontaneity and relaxation and freedom are good things, I approve of them. But attention to detail — by people who know what they’re doing — makes a difference, and viewers, visitors, congregants…
WOLFGANG SPEGG – MUSICMUSICMUSIC INC MU5.FNM: TWST That’s business-to-business product number two. Business-to-business product number three is a competitive product to the Muzak(r) products where we stream music into industrial locations, restaurants, office buildings, etc., but in a totally randomised fashion, so that they do not have to listen to the same program day after day, hour after hour because the Muzak(r) product is mainly delivered on CD and they play the same 90 minutes of music over and over again for two weeks. We deliver a never- ending randomised stream and the ability for them to insert their own…
About 15 minutes ago, I was listening to Morning Edition on WBEZ with half an ear as I attempt to awaken fully and get going (I don’t have to be at work for more than an hour, I generally leave about 40 minutes from now). And OOPS! There it goes again!! WBEZ got knocked off the air a second time mid-sentence, and has been replaced by a shifting soundscape of radio noise, some in Spanish, some in Russian, bits of music, and now the EAS tones agian. Unfortunately, David took the digital recorder to work with him, and mylaptop does…
FRONTLINE: endgame | PBS I caught the tail end of this before “P.O.V.” started – looked interesting and you can watch online.
Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1942.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.43pm CDT PST The Village, its wisdom, decided to repave all the streets in our subdivision this summer, and the notification letter was received Wednesday, when we went out of town. Although they’d previously announced we’d have more notice, they actually gave only 2 days’ warning before taking off the first layer of asphalt, on Friday. We returned Sunday night from our trip to find that the street was blocked off to thru traffic, but somewhat driveable. Good thing we moved the cars this morning before we left, they…
…that I can parallel park. This skill will come in handy in the coming weeks, as the driveway will be all torn up due to the street reconstruction project. Via: Flickr Title: 06-19-07_1940.jpg By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 19 Jun ’07, 7.42pm CDT PST