• Funnies - Politics, Schmolitics - Radio

    How NPR Improves Political Discourse

    The back-and-forth between people of different political views in this country could stand some improvement, as currently it’s on the level of ad hominem “yer a wingnut/yer a moonbat” attacks. NPR’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me!” news quiz consistently brings the funny LOLs when discussing political figures – sometimes with those actual politcal figures’ participation! Today’s show included a short segment to follow up on an important fact that came up in the wake of Karl Rove’s departure this week – Barney, the White House Scottish terrier, is not terribly well liked by staffers, who characterized him recently as “aloof…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Funnies

    LOLcallz- If Cats Ran The Call Centers

    I struggle to hit all the right notes on the “call center guidelines” we’re supposed to follow at work – this week and next week we’ll be in a big push to improve some of the “number of calls taken” stats and the “feedback” stats. It occured to me that it might be easier to remember the more obscure points that are important to cover in order to “score” well if I translated it into another dialect I’ve recently learned. This example call would score a perfect 100 if LOLcats were running the call center. Halpz U Thxu4callz r cmpnee,…

  • Radio

    This I Believe: George Bowering

    I heard this on my way to church, and it really… resonated much like the “sounding brass” (bronze vessels that amplified actors’ voices in the ancient theater of Corinth) mentioned in the reference link near the bottom. NPR : The Holy Life of the Intellect I believe that the human intellect is the closest thing we have to the divine. It is the way we can join one another in spirit. … If we can experience another’s mind in our own, we know that love is possible. We understand why the great poet Shelley wrote a poem to what he…

  • Episcopal - Funnies

    Padre Mickey invites you to Join Us! JOIN US!!!!

    Padre Mickey’s Dance Party: Padre Mickey invites you to Join Us! JOIN US!!!! Dear Bishop or Rector, Are you a Bishop up for presentment by TEC? Are you a Rector accused of some sort of monkey-business with parish funding? Are you a member of a major dissenting organization? Are they oppressing you because of your adherence to the teachings of the orthodox so-called? Are you ready to practice the new Anglican tradition of jumping ship just before charges are presented? Why go to the Southern Cone or Nigeria or even Rwanda, when you and your congregation can join the Real…

  • Episcopal - Geek Out! - Home Improvement - Movies - Uncategorical Weirdness

    Better Late than Never

    I finally got around to viewing the DVD, which I purchased from the Field Museum’s shop – they have an entire section of their very large shop devoted to fair trade items and environmentally-sensitive gifts. In spite of my pre-2000 dismissal of former Vice President Al Gore Jr. as a slightly dorky wonk, I was very moved by his presentation and the lifelong passion he’s had for learning about the environment, and for raising the alarm about climatic change. Yes, it’s annoying that he uses buzzwords and talking points, just like the Republicans, but also it’s incredibly frustrating and sobering…

  • Music - Random Access Memories - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano.

    The Goddess of Travel Re-Emanates

    I had a flashback yesterday on the phones. I was working with a client the day before who needed hotels booked from one end of Utah to the other, because she’d just been transferred to the West and had a long, long, long, skinny district to check out. We were chatting along and kidding around a little while I made with the flying fingers – I’m faster booking things “old skool” although the graphical tool we have is useful for “set it and forget it” bookings. So this woman was laughing about something I’d said to crack her up, and…

  • Movies

    This Isn’t Us: The Thriller That Dares To Be Political

    My husband David and I saw “The Bourne Ultimatum” earlier this afternoon -and it was a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours’ worth of entertainment, thrills, and surprisingly apt commentary that transcends mere “spy movie” convention. The Trib had this to say about it, and it cheers me to see that I also picked up on the three important little words that boost this flick from “ho-hum second sequel action movie” to “great thriller that dares to be political.” It’s (pant) not just (pant) a chase movie (whew!) — chicagotribune.com People may be drawn to the film by the promise of…

  • Funnies

    Comics Relief

    When things are bad, laughs and weird humor come naturally. This is probably why I was always so fond of Calvin and Hobbes. Today’s strip (from a site that reruns them daily, in order) is one of my personal favorites. I’m a weird girl that way.

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Books - Episcopal

    Episcopal Cafe: Dobson Rejects Potter, Nyah

    The Lead The Christian Post has news that Dr. James Dobson, of Focus on the Family has officially renounced Harry Potter and all the associated “Harry Potter products.” “‘In a story about Christians’ views on the Harry Potter books and films, reporter Jacqueline Salmon wrote that ‘Christian parenting guru James Dobson has praised the Potter books,’’ the statement read. ‘This is the exact opposite of Dr. Dobson’s opinion – in fact, he said a few years ago on his daily radio broadcast that ‘We have spoken out strongly against all of the Harry Potter products…’’ Your humble news editor-of-the-day, having…

  • Books


    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) I feel as if I’ve broken the surface of a deep, still pool – I’ve been submerged in the latest and last book in the Harry Potter series, and a few minutes ago I read the last chapters, the last paragraphs, the last words, the last page. And now I’m breathing deeply and taking a look around me for the first time in a while. It’s not that I’ve spent the entire weekend with my nose buried in a book – I did end up spending some time at the rummage sale…