• Books - Funnies - Radio

    Bold New Pledge Drive Ploy

    Peter Sagal, host of news quiz show NPR : Wait Wait… Dont Tell Me has written a new book that’s being offered as a premium on pledges of $120.00 per month. Sagal is hosting this morning’s pledge drive, and with his quick wit, it actually is fun listening to WBEZ begging for fundage. Actually, as stations go, BEZ does a pretty good job of making pledge drives endurable; they shorten them by a day or so by running a promotional drive at the beginning with crazy big goals – if they reach the goals, they cut the length of the…

  • Books - Funnies - Radio

    Bold New Pledge Drive Ploy

    Peter Sagal, host of news quiz show NPR : Wait Wait… Dont Tell Me has written a new book that’s being offered as a premium on pledges of $120.00 per month. Sagal is hosting this morning’s pledge drive, and with his quick wit, it actually is fun listening to WBEZ begging for fundage. Actually, as stations go, BEZ does a pretty good job of making pledge drives endurable; they shorten them by a day or so by running a promotional drive at the beginning with crazy big goals – if they reach the goals, they cut the length of the…

  • Clan: McTiVo - SABRE2th Tigress: Book 'em, Dano. - The Never-Ending Bloga

    Playing Catchup

    We’ve been home for a week, and our two-week vacation has become a memory. All this week, we’ve been getting up, going to work, coming home, catching up with shows on TiVo, catching up with reading, catching up with Riley. For me, work wasn’t so much catching up as deleting a bunch of unwanted emails and shaking my head over the way a few of my clients seem to think that it’s no big deal to arrange a lot of hotel rooms with only 2 or 3 days’ notice. Unfortunately, my backup had to deal with this as it happened…

  • Hot Off The Presses - Radio

    NPR : Real Funny Stories from My Crazy City (Part 2)

    NPR’s man in Basra sometimes emails the Washington-based news bureau funny details about life in his crazy city along with his stories about bombs, insurgents, and tragedy. His English is wobbly but energetic, and as commentator Corey Flintof notes, the multiple exclamation points are the Iraqi equivalent to “Ba-dum-pum! Laff nao plzzzz!” NPR : Real Funny Stories from My Crazy City (Part 2) Eating chickens against Islamic Sharia (instruction)After 2003, the Islamic instructions (Sharia) spread in bad methods and one of the Fatwas (decrees) was, “it is forbidden to eat imported chickens,” and most of radical extreme muslims believe on…

  • Episcopal - Funnies

    The Pirate Nicene Creed

    It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day! I’m not sure I believe this… but I certainly believe the following: Pirate Eucharist.indd The Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Almighty Admiral, Maker o’ heaven and ‘arth, and o’ all things natural and ghostly. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, T’only Son o’ God, says I, eternally begotten ‘o the Admiral, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, nar made, ‘o one Bein’wi’ the Father. Through him all things t’were made. Far us and far arr salvation he opened the hatch o’ heav’n and…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    Travel On A Shoestring

    Around The World For Free Amazing Race 2’s co-winner Alex Boylan is going around the world again – for free. He started today from CBS’ office and will attempt to get around the world for free within 6 months. He’ll be relying on nearly real-time interactive social networking to get tips and info about where and how to go forward. Problem: website is FLASH-heavy and the registration thingy is busted.

  • Funnies - Hot Off The Presses

    LOLcats invade website: No News Is Not Good News

    I went to check the Maui News site for any report on whatever was going on in South Kihei last night – at least 7 or 8 patrol cars screamed past with sirens and lights and all. Someone at the condo explained it was probably a “local fracas” at a beach park south of town. When I checked the site, I wondered if LOLcats are either running their server, or hacking it: they can has website probz. SiteMechanics Lite Engine been not initializes yet! [tags]Funny error message, 404 Not Found[/tags]

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Chuck is AWEsome!

    On our flight to Maui, we watched the premiere of “Chuck,” which doesn’t actually start until September 24. I suppose this is a marketing ploy to get “buzz” going, and I’m actually okay with getting suckered and blogging about it. Why? Because “Chuck” is funny and smart and has a great cast that really clicks, and because we laughed… we laughed a LOT, in that way that can only rendered by “OMG LOL.”  Chuck is played by Zachary Levi. The end of the episode had a “zing!” comic turn that made us make the “BWAAAAAA!!” noise. It’s almost, almost, worth…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Chuck is AWEsome!

    On our flight to Maui, we watched the premiere of “Chuck,” which doesn’t actually start until September 24. I suppose this is a marketing ploy to get “buzz” going, and I’m actually okay with getting suckered and blogging about it. Why? Because “Chuck” is funny and smart and has a great cast that really clicks, and because we laughed… we laughed a LOT, in that way that can only rendered by “OMG LOL.”  Chuck is played by Zachary Levi. The end of the episode had a “zing!” comic turn that made us make the “BWAAAAAA!!” noise. It’s almost, almost, worth…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Chuck is AWEsome!

    On our flight to Maui, we watched the premiere of “Chuck,” which doesn’t actually start until September 24. I suppose this is a marketing ploy to get “buzz” going, and I’m actually okay with getting suckered and blogging about it. Why? Because “Chuck” is funny and smart and has a great cast that really clicks, and because we laughed… we laughed a LOT, in that way that can only rendered by “OMG LOL.”  Chuck is played by Zachary Levi. The end of the episode had a “zing!” comic turn that made us make the “BWAAAAAA!!” noise. It’s almost, almost, worth…