David ran across this classic example of a sign or notice in “Engrish,” a mistranslation from Japanese to English: It’s supposed to be “region free.” At least unbelievers can now watch anything they like without fear of being proselytized. I really hate that, and I’m a believer. Can’t imagine how annoying it must be for an infidel. Anyway, this notice is almost as good as the sign I saw in Nara, Japan near the famous garden park there, directing residents and tourists to the nearby “Pubic Library.” I was impressed, “library” is really hard to spell. I took a picture,…
Because I could never get enough of the main theme and title sequence of this atmospheric 80’s show: YouTube – The Equalizer intro
Ruthed adj. A conditional identity one may encounter while traveling between realms in Second Life usually resulting in auburn dome hair, abnormal ugliness, sexual androgeny, and an overall confused sense of self. A little earlier tonight (on the 3rd of November), I attended the gallery show and dance at the closing of the Ruthed! photo exhibition, which was of images of people who had messed themselves up horribly. And here I did it to myself later that same night, because I tried logging in via Movable Life, which removes all the textures and clothes and things. At least I’ve got…
Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART
Apparently, the world will soon implode, because two major interests of mine are combining as one.
[tags]LOLcats, ICanHazCheezburger, FAIL[/tags]
Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report (mind the silent Ts) hijacks Maureen Dowd’s NYT column to note that although his hat is not in the ring, it’s not on his head… and his new book is in stores now. Also, he ghost-writes Frank Rich’s column too. His work there done. Actually, if Stephen Colbert ran for office, he should seriously think about an extremely manly religious blogger/Saviour as a running mate: Jesus’ General. I Am an Op-Ed Columnist (And So Can You!) By STEPHEN COLBERT Surprised to see my byline here, aren’t you? I would be too, if I read…
Via the wonders of the Internets, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century › The “Star Wars Trumpet†Video pointed me at this awesum video: [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wffwg7pA0t8" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] It’s so incredibly bad. According to the post at YouTube, this tape has been making the rounds of TV news stations for a while, passed between tape heads along the lines of “you think that clip’s bad, what about THIS?” The best part is when she starts dancing around, very ineptly, during the “lasers firing sound effects” portion of the “Disco Star Wars” theme, attempting to evade…
Via the wonders of the Internets, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century › The “Star Wars Trumpet†Video pointed me at this awesum video: [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wffwg7pA0t8" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] It’s so incredibly bad. According to the post at YouTube, this tape has been making the rounds of TV news stations for a while, passed between tape heads along the lines of “you think that clip’s bad, what about THIS?” The best part is when she starts dancing around, very ineptly, during the “lasers firing sound effects” portion of the “Disco Star Wars” theme, attempting to evade…
Peter Sagal, host of news quiz show NPR : Wait Wait… Dont Tell Me has written a new book that’s being offered as a premium on pledges of $120.00 per month. Sagal is hosting this morning’s pledge drive, and with his quick wit, it actually is fun listening to WBEZ begging for fundage. Actually, as stations go, BEZ does a pretty good job of making pledge drives endurable; they shorten them by a day or so by running a promotional drive at the beginning with crazy big goals – if they reach the goals, they cut the length of the…