• Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    May The Incredibly Bad Farce Be With You

    Thanks to Joey de Villa, I’ve now seen approximately 2.5 minutes of the 5 minute version of the 2-hour Star Wars Holiday Special in all its mercifully shortened craptabulousness. May God bless whoever edited the original special down to 5 minutes. Even so, I had to watch Art Carney rock out to the Jefferson Starship as he stood in Chewbacca’s family home, which was being searched at the time by 2 Stormtroopers, a black-helmeted Imperial Guard, and a rather stuffy officer-type with a fake British accent. I mean…Art Carney…rocking out…while dressed in a really crappy “Star Wars-y” costume.  Norton, the…

  • Funnies - SciFi/Fantasy

    May The Incredibly Bad Farce Be With You

    Thanks to Joey de Villa, I’ve now seen approximately 2.5 minutes of the 5 minute version of the 2-hour Star Wars Holiday Special in all its mercifully shortened craptabulousness. May God bless whoever edited the original special down to 5 minutes. Even so, I had to watch Art Carney rock out to the Jefferson Starship as he stood in Chewbacca’s family home, which was being searched at the time by 2 Stormtroopers, a black-helmeted Imperial Guard, and a rather stuffy officer-type with a fake British accent. I mean…Art Carney…rocking out…while dressed in a really crappy “Star Wars-y” costume.  Norton, the…

  • Episcopal - Funnies

    The Southwark Pilgrimage

    Some days ago several Anglican wagses Went on a pub crawl, for to maken pilgimages To memorialize the Good Bishop of Southwark, Who once one Yule made merry, very merry, ‘thout shirk. And they wore costumes, and took pictures, and stopped traffic. Based on a real incident, with a real bishop, and a real Mercedes full of Christmas toys, and an (unbaptized) bear named Teddy. It’s all highly amusing, at least if your college career included an intensive study of Chaucer in the original Middle English, and you’ve since become a high-church Episcopalian. I’m left with just one niggling question:…

  • Politics, Schmolitics - Radio

    Dana Perino’s Hard Week

    I’m listening to Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me!, and their celebrity guest is Dana Perino, the White House press secretary. They’ve made her laugh and feel more comfortable, as they know she’s had a tough week. First, her boss was unwavering in his position, even when it was eroding out from under him like the sands of time at high tide. Someone told him last summer they had “news for him” regarding Iran, and he accepted the news that there was news with gravity, but didn’t actually inquire as to what the new news was. Because he’s not that kind…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Home Improvement

    Moar Katchup, PLZ!

    It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at Chez Gique. We’re having a cozy night “in” with the fire going, as it’s a cold, blustraceous, snowy day. And later when the fire’s out, we now have a cover for the opening to keep the draft out and the heat in that David made. Eventually, we’ll make it look like more than a sheet of plywood with a handle on it, but it’ll do. Last night we went to the holiday party for David’s company – a really nice time. It was held at Cantigny Golf and Tennis Club, with…

  • All Things Interesting - Clan: McTiVo - Second Life - The Never-Ending Bloga

    MIA from Blogaria, lost in Second Life

    Yes, I’ve been remiss. Yes, I’ve been up late a lot. The steep learning curve has been leveling off, though, and I may even watch television tonight (tomorrow for sure, because Torchwood is on). Some things going on in my life that don’t require logging on: Last week at Holy Moly, we celebrated All Saints with great music, and a moving and joyful (and very wet) baptism. St Nicholas has a font that’s more like a wading pool, it looks like this when not actually in use: This is from last year’s Bishop’s Visitation with Bp. Victor Scantlebury, the assistant…