• Funnies

    Tech Support For My Mom-In-Law

    My mother-in-law called earlier asking about something suspicious that popped up on her screen. Actually, I think it was just a warning from some anti-spyware stuff that my dad-in-law probably installed on her computer, but still I laughed when I saw this just now. moar funny pictures [tags]LOLcats, ICanHasCheezburger, spyware, uhasit[/tags]

  • Music

    One-a More-a Time-a

    One more tweak to the media template in ecto: need to use an entity for the ampersand in my character entity for tied eighth notes! And an ampersand, not a percent! Then click “APPLY.” Now listening:♫ The Police:Can’t Stand Losing You:Outlandos d’Amour (Remastered)[2:58] Technorati Tags: iTunes

  • Episcopal - Music

    Drenched in Grace: audio link from November 2007

    Inclusive Church blog: Our sound is our wound: audio of an address by the Revd Canon Lucy Winkett A long, but very interesting address from last fall’s Inclusive Church conference, “Drenched in Grace.” Best line: “We talk in the Church about modern music. We don’t mean modern music, we mean The Carpenters.”

  • Books - Funnies

    Hot Ferret Love!

    As a former Highlander fan, denizen of the Big List where ferret and weasel jokes were rife (long story), I had to read this tale of the bodice-ripping plagiarism case that somehow involves black-footed ferrets. For one thing, the author of the offending bodice-ripper is from Mattoon, IL, not far from where some Highlander fans gathered a few years ago for a mini-convention and garage sale of HL-themed gifts. It’s not the kind of place where there are many bodices, let alone where they get ripped.  But it is the kind of place where people who read trashy novels live…

  • Books - Funnies

    Hot Ferret Love!

    As a former Highlander fan, denizen of the Big List where ferret and weasel jokes were rife (long story), I had to read this tale of the bodice-ripping plagiarism case that somehow involves black-footed ferrets. For one thing, the author of the offending bodice-ripper is from Mattoon, IL, not far from where some Highlander fans gathered a few years ago for a mini-convention and garage sale of HL-themed gifts. It’s not the kind of place where there are many bodices, let alone where they get ripped.  But it is the kind of place where people who read trashy novels live…

  • Entertainment - SciFi/Fantasy

    This sounds like something we’d like…

    David and I have enjoyed some great audio science fiction over the years – usually by stumbling on it by accident. I think we should… I don’t know… seek out and find new broadcasts, new podcasts! StarShipSofa science fiction podcast – Boing Boing StarShipSofa is a weekly podcast that has started to put out Hugo Winning audio stories for free. Last week we put up David Brin’s 1985 Hugo winning story “The Crystal Spheres.” This week we put up Bruce Sterling’s 1989 story “We See Things Differently.” Other narrated stories include 2007 Hugo nominee Peter Watts and Michael Moorcock.A host…

  • Entertainment - SciFi/Fantasy

    This sounds like something we’d like…

    David and I have enjoyed some great audio science fiction over the years – usually by stumbling on it by accident. I think we should… I don’t know… seek out and find new broadcasts, new podcasts! StarShipSofa science fiction podcast – Boing Boing StarShipSofa is a weekly podcast that has started to put out Hugo Winning audio stories for free. Last week we put up David Brin’s 1985 Hugo winning story “The Crystal Spheres.” This week we put up Bruce Sterling’s 1989 story “We See Things Differently.” Other narrated stories include 2007 Hugo nominee Peter Watts and Michael Moorcock.A host…

  • Funnies - Politics, Schmolitics

    Hopeful Signs of the Anti-Apocalypse

    They can’t raise as much money as the Dems, they sense that they’re going to have a tough election season, and they’re quitting or resigning in order to give the gloss of incumbency to some poor schmuck the party slated to run for their old seat. Gee, this gives me hope. G.O.P. Faces Challenge in Efforts to Reclaim House – New York Times