• Episcopal - Flickr - Good and Joyful Things

    ++Katharine: Building Bridges

    Episcopal Life Online – NEWS Our Bishop ++Katharine has been in Israel living out Holy Week with an ecumenical group, walking the walk and talking the talk. The linked article tells more about the Good Friday pilgrimage along the Via Dolorosa, and how the group negotiated traffic, curious and incurious people on the street, and even an angry person who spat at them. But ++Katharine is also building bridges – there were two photos near the top of the photo that said “Click for more information,” and with this one, the text is: ELO photo/Matthew Davies Following the March 21…

  • Episcopal - Music

    How Holy Is This Night

    Caminante, no hay camino: The Great Vigil of Easter Brother Curtis spoke of the Exsultet:‘This past Easter morning at 4:00 a.m. we were celebrating the Easter Vigil in the monastery where I live. At one moment early on in the liturgy I was stunned, quite unexpectedly. I had a kind of epiphany, something which has very much stayed with me during these past months. The monastery chapel was still in darkness, illuminated only by lighted tapers held by the monks and a large number of people worshipping with us and the great Paschal Candle. In this darkened space tears rolled…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Funnies - Mini-Posts

    All Humor Aside: Mentioned in passing

    First off, the folks at Conservapedia seem mighty obsessed with hot! gay! Sex!, which sets up this most excellent quip: Q: How many Republican politicians can you fit in the closet? A: Evidently, all of them. h/t to » Conservapedia: Still Obsessed » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century : Joey deVilla’s Personal Blog.

  • Funnies - Hot Off The Presses

    File this under “Not Too Bright.”

    Man fired for requesting a prostitute – Yahoo! News Hotel workers were sent to Jorgensen’s room to ask him to stop demanding prostitutes. When they arrived at his room, Jorgensen answered the door in the nude, human resources director Tim Donovan said.Jorgensen was fired the next day. At the hearing, Jorgensen said his actions didn’t hurt the casino, and he said he’d received strong performance reviews. He also blamed the restaurant for serving him too much alcohol. “I was absolutely plowed,” he said. Administrative Law Judge Terence Nice turned down Jorgensen’s claim for unemployment benefits. It’s never your fault when…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Hot Off The Presses

    Under Bergerac’s Nose: Abuse and Murder?

    Did you watch the British detective series Bergerac? The building that was used as the police station used to be a children’s home. And now there’s a real mystery: child abuse and possibly murder, dating back decades, in that same building. BBC NEWS | Europe | Jersey | Child’s body found at care home Parts of a child’s body have been found by police in a former children’s home in Jersey.

  • Flickr - Photos and Shutterblogs

    One of my photos on Schmap! Yay me!

    One of my Flickr photos got selected for the current Schmap online guide – they use photos to illustrate points of interest in their web-based city travel guides. It just goes to show you that it’s a good idea to tag your photos effectively on Flickr, as this is the second time something like this has happened. The other one requires me to fill out some kind of form, need to get on that this weekend. I might actually get a small fee for use of another of my photos. Salt Lake City – Theme Bars The decor is as…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Food, Glorious Food

    Career: IMPOSSIBLE

    My husband David will be so disappointed to hear this: ‘Fraudulent’ British celebrity chef faces sack from US TV show after claiming he made Diana’s wedding cake | the Daily Mail A celebrity British chef who has his own TV show in America faces the sack after he was unmasked as a fraud. Robert Irvine claimed he had helped make the wedding cake for the marriage of Prince Charles and Diana. And in a bid to impress Americans the former royal chef said he was knighted by the Queen – and even boasted that he had been given a castle…