Choirmistress Mary does a lot for us, and frequently pays out of pocket for new music and things she thinks we need in order to look and sound like a seasoned choir, and not a ragtag group that formed a little over a year ago. So one of our members found a Christmas ornament that mirrored a unicorn print that Mary has in her home and we presented it to her last night. We also had a wonderful surprise from another choir member who’s been battling brain cancer; she got amazing news from her oncologist. Let’s not say “miracle” yet,…
Choirmistress Mary does a lot for us, and frequently pays out of pocket for new music and things she thinks we need in order to look and sound like a seasoned choir, and not a ragtag group that formed a little over a year ago. So one of our members found a Christmas ornament that mirrored a unicorn print that Mary has in her home and we presented it to her last night. We also had a wonderful surprise from another choir member who’s been battling brain cancer; she got amazing news from her oncologist. Let’s not say “miracle” yet,…
Sarah Jane Adventures | SCIFI.COM We watched the first episode of the new spin-off from the Doctor Who empire, and have already got it set up on TiVo for a season pass. It was like watching an old episode, a classic episode, of Doctor Who, with “The Doctor” gone off somewhere, leaving Sarah Jane in charge. It’s obviously aimed at a younger audience than either Torchwood or the “New Who,” but it’s still well worth watching. This was a 90 minute episode, and it started out with a new family moving into the neighborhood. The “fresh eyes” character in classic…
Sarah Jane Adventures | SCIFI.COM We watched the first episode of the new spin-off from the Doctor Who empire, and have already got it set up on TiVo for a season pass. It was like watching an old episode, a classic episode, of Doctor Who, with “The Doctor” gone off somewhere, leaving Sarah Jane in charge. It’s obviously aimed at a younger audience than either Torchwood or the “New Who,” but it’s still well worth watching. This was a 90 minute episode, and it started out with a new family moving into the neighborhood. The “fresh eyes” character in classic…
This may be a little different from the Schoolhouse Rock history vignettes you remember. Substantially accurate, although the folks at YouTube warn that Alexander the Great was “Greek, not Roman.” [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] Actually, Alexander the Great was from Macedon, but close enough. YouTube – Pirates and Emperors – Schoolhouse Rock
UPDATE: Posted via Flickr so that my husband David could find his car where I parked it, as his flight schedule was changed and we decided he’d taxi to where I work, pick up his car which I drove in, and he’d get me at the end of the day. This was so he’d have a ride to and from work, and so on. The logistics of married people are not fascinating, but they do take a lot of work. It all worked out satisfactorily at the end of the day: so very nice to see my hubby when he…
I have NEVER understood the appeal of Mariah Carey. She has a big range, but little resonance in her voice, and her “sexy waif soul” schtick makes my back molars ache like chewing on tin foil. She’s traded on her new hottieness for decades… why do people not realize this shit gets old and bustit? BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Mariah breaks Elvis chart record
The movie reviewer for reviews a recent Easter mass he attended, and this paragraph jumped out at me (yes, because I’m in favor of traditonal liturgy and liberal theology): Mick LaSalle I was talking to a former Episcopal pastor yesterday, and he told me that if he were to do it all over again, he’d go entirely the other way. Bring in organ music. Incense. Choirs. Maybe choirs singing in foreign languages. Things to make people feel that they’ve entered another world — a mysterious place where God dwells. Instead what you get in church these days feels 30…
Episcopal Life Online – NEWS Our Bishop ++Katharine has been in Israel living out Holy Week with an ecumenical group, walking the walk and talking the talk. The linked article tells more about the Good Friday pilgrimage along the Via Dolorosa, and how the group negotiated traffic, curious and incurious people on the street, and even an angry person who spat at them. But ++Katharine is also building bridges – there were two photos near the top of the photo that said “Click for more information,” and with this one, the text is: ELO photo/Matthew Davies Following the March 21…
Caminante, no hay camino: The Great Vigil of Easter Brother Curtis spoke of the Exsultet:‘This past Easter morning at 4:00 a.m. we were celebrating the Easter Vigil in the monastery where I live. At one moment early on in the liturgy I was stunned, quite unexpectedly. I had a kind of epiphany, something which has very much stayed with me during these past months. The monastery chapel was still in darkness, illuminated only by lighted tapers held by the monks and a large number of people worshipping with us and the great Paschal Candle. In this darkened space tears rolled…