Remembering ‘The Heart Of NPR,’ Gary Smith : NPR Longtime NPR Greeter and Client Services Coordinator Gary Smith passed away this week. For years, he sat at the reception desk at NPR’s Washington headquarters. Smith was a force field of good cheer; he was a big man who became the heart of NPR. As I drove home, listening to Michele Norris talk about Gary Smith, I was moved by her description of a man who made greeting the often jetlagged or on-deadline visitors to the NPR building his number-one job. It seems that every week, Mr Smith always began his…
You can watch Act One and then you can go “squeeeee!!!” to your heart’s content. Also, “W0000000t!1!!” Who knew that Nathan Fillion could sing? Let alone Neil Patrick Harris? Oh, teh hawt. Thanks, Super***Dave! What’s your super power? I have two: clutter, and multitasking. Technorati Tags: Joss Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathon Fillion, Dr Horrible
You can watch Act One and then you can go “squeeeee!!!” to your heart’s content. Also, “W0000000t!1!!” Who knew that Nathan Fillion could sing? Let alone Neil Patrick Harris? Oh, teh hawt. Thanks, Super***Dave! What’s your super power? I have two: clutter, and multitasking. Technorati Tags: Joss Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathon Fillion, Dr Horrible
I heard a bit of this while driving home after a long, frustratingly typical Monday at work. Pierre Bensusan was being interviewed on NPR and was discussing how this song, “Altiplanos” is dedicated to Ingrid Betancourt, a Columbian political reformist who was running for president of Columbia when she was kidnapped by FARC, the left-wing revolutionary movement. Bensusan is trying to keep Ingrid Betancourt on the conscience of the world, and hopes that one she will be sitting in a concert hall listening as he plays the song dedicated to her. It’s beautiful music and very moving, and although I…
Our friend Steve just alerted us to this awesome video. More costume changes than a triple bill with Cher, Madonna, and Celine Dion. Better hair and more awesomer dance moves than even George Michael, with 90% more heterosexual flirting. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /] YouTube – Crazy Indian Video… Buffalaxed!
GateWorld – Don S. Davis: 1942-2008 With great sadness we must report that veteran actor Don S. Davis passed away on June 29, 2008. He was 65 years old. This is really, really sad news. “Hammond of Texas” is gone. According to the fan site, his family requests donations to the American Heart Association. Dear Fans and Friends of Don S. Davis, So many of you have been touched by not only the work and art of Don S. Davis, but by the man himself, who always took the time to be with you at the appearances he loved, that…
The Original Unofficial Steve Earle Site Heard on Second Life (I hang out at Dancing Virtually events): Condi, Condi. Gotta get it. It works as political commentary, but it’s a really great reggae dance song.
The posts that went up on BoingBoing’s “BBtv” section started early this year: this crazy French-German guy was trying to become the next big American action hero. But who was he? Really? Here’s the most recent BBtv video: BBtv – Klaus Pierre: Super Pretty Action Hero Star – Boing Boing There are links to earlier videos, and then if you search YouTube there are other videos, uploaded by the great Klaus Pierre himself. Some of them are very puzzling, as they are completely in French. What? you mean he’s really FRENCH? Intriguing. And then the profile points to his website,…
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should…
I’ve been saying for more than a week now that I’d post about the big trip to the East Coast we made, and it’s reached the point where if I don’t make a start, of any length, it’ll never get done. I’ve downloaded photos but haven’t yet had a chance to upload them to Flickr… until now. I’ve made a start at last. And can I just say, “I Heart Maine?” It’s a beautiful state. And it’s a beautiful state of mind. We flew into Boston after work on a Friday a couple of weeks ago, and overnighted at an anonymous Holiday…