Tom the Dancing Bug has a great cartoon behind Salon’s adwall, well worth clicking through to see after waiting for the ad to load. Language geeks will enjoy the Mayan in-jokes and economics geeks will enjoy the pretty colors of teh secksy Mayans and their silly claims that their civilization and its blood-sacrifice based economy would endure until the end of time. Tom the Dancing Bug | Salon Comics
This is just teh awsum. Sailors and light sabers and Navy tradition: it’s all good. Also, there’s a break for snacks and some commercials. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] Episode 67: Seeds of Betrayal
This is just teh awsum. Sailors and light sabers and Navy tradition: it’s all good. Also, there’s a break for snacks and some commercials. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /] Episode 67: Seeds of Betrayal
‘Quantum of Solace’ stars Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Mathieu Amalric, Olga Kurylenko — Compared with “Casino Royale,” ” Quantum of Solace” is a disappointment. Craig anchors it, and Judi Dench’s M enjoys some fine, stern scenes, but director Marc Forster “Finding Neverland,” “Monster’s Ball,” “The Kite Runner” isn’t much of an action man. There’s plenty, but half the time it’s visually incoherent. Yep, pretty much. The review goes on to compare the Bond action scenes with the “Jason Bourne” movies’ action scenes, from which they were clearly derived. Actually, a couple of the “gags” were just like ones in…
Last Saturday, I happened to catch the repeat of This American Life on WBEZ; the last 30 minutes or so is a Studs Terkel piece that seemed particularly appropriate. Terkel died a few weeks ago, we’re in the midst of an economic downturn that ought to be described as a “freefall,” and we’ve just elected a mixed race, self-identified black man as our President. The Terkel segment is a collection of pieces from his Hard Times radio series, with people talking about life in the Depression. There are some surprising revelations from a woman who realized that as a poor…
It’s unclear if this Dilbert comic is about the inevitable arc of optimism-to-disillusionment in project managment, or if it’s about the elections. Or more likely, both. Either way, we’re frelled unless we break the pattern. Original at Dilbert comic strip for 11/09/2008 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive. Via Joey the Accordion Guy.
On Monday November 3rd, NPR did a carefully worded interview with a book author as background on an upcoming Supreme Court case on something called “transitory vulgarity,” or the use of a naughty word on live broadcasts, and whether broadcasters should be fined if a celebrity occasionally drops the “F-bomb” in an unscripted moment of emotionally charged candor. As Court Weighs ‘F’ Word Case, Context Examined : NPR The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday about the F-word. The case, FCC v. FOX TV, stems from some stunning moments of live television. Jesse Sheidlower, editor at large of the Oxford…
On Monday November 3rd, NPR did a carefully worded interview with a book author as background on an upcoming Supreme Court case on something called “transitory vulgarity,” or the use of a naughty word on live broadcasts, and whether broadcasters should be fined if a celebrity occasionally drops the “F-bomb” in an unscripted moment of emotionally charged candor. As Court Weighs ‘F’ Word Case, Context Examined : NPR The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday about the F-word. The case, FCC v. FOX TV, stems from some stunning moments of live television. Jesse Sheidlower, editor at large of the Oxford…
This is my revamped desk setup: the keyboard is a flatter Dell one that fits in the slideout tray under the top. The Microsoft Natural one is too high to fit unless bad things happen to the underhang with a power tool. Note “Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” pledge swag mug to the right. Oh boy! the WWDTM folks are in Boston, and their guest is Barney Franks. He got a huge welcome from his socialist-partisan fans. Aw, he’s telling a cute story about his boyfriend, Jimmy. And how it somehow relates to Bush, Palin, and Franks’ Secret Service nickname,…
This is my revamped desk setup: the keyboard is a flatter Dell one that fits in the slideout tray under the top. The Microsoft Natural one is too high to fit unless bad things happen to the underhang with a power tool. Note “Wait, Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” pledge swag mug to the right. Oh boy! the WWDTM folks are in Boston, and their guest is Barney Franks. He got a huge welcome from his socialist-partisan fans. Aw, he’s telling a cute story about his boyfriend, Jimmy. And how it somehow relates to Bush, Palin, and Franks’ Secret Service nickname,…