Doyce, whose blog posts I read most often at one remove via the miracle of quotes and feeds, starts it off: I’m actively communicating online all day, every day, but my main blog languishes. Why is that? Simplicity. Twitter tweets, facebook updates, Flickr photo posting, and sharing news articles with commentary… all of those things are easier and faster BY AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE than posting via Movable Type. Via What it boils down to is this… – doycetesterman And ***Dave carries it forward: Now, I don’t do Facebook, and have never had a justification (see below) for using Twitter.…
This Internet radio station is a real find; it’s artist-to-artist CD swapping at its finest. Eclectic and fun. CD Baby: THE POLYJESTERS: Kitchen Radio Jason runs a radio station out of his home in Carstairs and internet station that feature other indie artists they have met on the road. Some of whom are guest hosts. iTunes recently added Kitchen Radio as a station preset under two categories: Eclectic and International.
The Dandy Warhols – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Dandy Warhols are a US rock band formed in Portland, Oregon, by Courtney Taylor-Taylor (vocals, guitar), Zia McCabe (keyboard), Peter Holmström (guitar), and Eric Hedford (drums), who left in 1998 to be replaced by Taylor-Taylor’s cousin Brent De Boer. The band’s name is a pun on the name of American pop artist Andy Warhol. The Dandy Warhols are strongly influenced by The Velvet Underground, Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, The Shadows, and The Rolling Stones as well as including implicit musical references to My Bloody Valentine in some songs.…
A long time ago, in a far-away land, I used to be a major geek for Highlander: The Series. I even bought a computer so I could find other fans online, and eventually hosted a twice-weekly chat on AOL and ran keyword: H I G H L A N D E R. Yep. like I said, geek. There was a marathon of old Highlander episodes on the SciFi channel today, culminating in a showing of the direct-to-DVD movie, Highlander: The Source. I knew that long-time fans, who still belong to the HIGHLA-L mailing list either due to nostalgia or because…
A long time ago, in a far-away land, I used to be a major geek for Highlander: The Series. I even bought a computer so I could find other fans online, and eventually hosted a twice-weekly chat on AOL and ran keyword: H I G H L A N D E R. Yep. like I said, geek. There was a marathon of old Highlander episodes on the SciFi channel today, culminating in a showing of the direct-to-DVD movie, Highlander: The Source. I knew that long-time fans, who still belong to the HIGHLA-L mailing list either due to nostalgia or because…
Last night’s snow (or as I originally typo-ed, slow), dumped only about 4 inches on suburban streets in the area, but the traffic was horrendous and there were enough minor accidents to put corks in all the bottlenecks. And due to the way the east-west arterials around here are blocked by large tracts of parkland or shopping malls, there’s only a few ways to get between work and home. If there’s bad weather, or traffic, everything gets choked off at one of two places. I started out pissed, as I had a late “hit” call where someone needed an exchange…
Just an hour or so ago, I finished reading[amazon-product text=”The Blade Itself, by Joe Abercrombie” type=”text”]159102594X[/amazon-product], and had to get my husband David’s help so that I could do a proper review. The book, in paperback, is an attractive, hefty size for someone like me that doesn’t like wimpy little short books about heroes, rogues, and adventure. The cover art alone made me want to pick it up and look at it; it’s made to look like a tattered old leatherbound volume, stained with blood and God knows what else. It looks like it’s been through the wars and back.…
Long ago in Seattle, I used to sell Bill Irwin airline tickets … yes, the neo-vaudevillian clown Bill Irwin. And now he’s “the scary new serial killer on CSI” Bill Irwin. My husband David didn’t know his work, but this clip from an appearance on the Cosby Show is pretty representative of what he was doing then. His current work on CSI is absolutely chilling, especially as he’s seated and mostly immobile the entire time. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" wmode="transparent" /]
The Obama transition team has set up agency review teams that are meeting with a boatload of government fiefdoms agencies. The team leader sent to meet with NASA administrator Michael Griffen ran into some trouble.
The Obama transition team has set up agency review teams that are meeting with a boatload of government fiefdoms agencies. The team leader sent to meet with NASA administrator Michael Griffen ran into some trouble.