• All Things Interesting - Clan: McTiVo - Home Improvement - Music

    Thank God It’s Saturday

    I’m not sure how much I should say, or how much I can safely say, about yesterday. So I’ll ease into it by catching up on the entire week. Last week this time, I was dropping David off at O’Hare, because he was getting ready to go to a technical conference, at which he was making a couple of presentations. He’d worked hard on his slides, and I’d helped him edit them and streamline them generally. At last year’s conference, he was nervous about being up for an award, and he called me in a panic demanding to know if…

  • All Things Interesting - Clan: McTiVo - Home Improvement - Music

    Thank God It’s Saturday

    I’m not sure how much I should say, or how much I can safely say, about yesterday. So I’ll ease into it by catching up on the entire week. Last week this time, I was dropping David off at O’Hare, because he was getting ready to go to a technical conference, at which he was making a couple of presentations. He’d worked hard on his slides, and I’d helped him edit them and streamline them generally. At last year’s conference, he was nervous about being up for an award, and he called me in a panic demanding to know if…

  • Clan: McTiVo

    #Chuck And 400 Friends Versus The Sarnie Shop

    Series star Zachary Levi went on a Subway run with attendees of Starfury T1, an SF con in Birmingham, UK. Pictures and video atZachary-Levi.Net. He even gets behind the counter, apparently to help #savechuck. Maybe they should have called the order in the day before, though. ;D UPDATE: It was 400 fans according to this item from the SciFi Wire, and the End of Show blog included a photo and noted that Levi did indeed get behind the counter and help out until every fan was served. Not only that, but Jeffster! has a Facebook page, and there’s an event…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Favorite Things

    NBC Had Better Renew #Chuck Or ELSE

    Don’t Make Us Send Some Ridiculously Large Number of Packages of Nerds Candy to NBC Headquarters! Yes, I’m a nerd. A proud nerd. I like to watch shows nerds watch. So does my husband. And we like to spend money on things nerds like. We would buy a DVD set of “Chuck” should one become available. We (mkay, I) would buy a Jeffster t-shirt. We buy many products that are product-placed on “Chuck” already, but when we see them, we don’t groan with dismay, but chuckle (get it? WE CHUCKLE) because the placements are both clever and relevant to the…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Favorite Things

    NBC Had Better Renew #Chuck Or ELSE

    Don’t Make Us Send Some Ridiculously Large Number of Packages of Nerds Candy to NBC Headquarters! Yes, I’m a nerd. A proud nerd. I like to watch shows nerds watch. So does my husband. And we like to spend money on things nerds like. We would buy a DVD set of “Chuck” should one become available. We (mkay, I) would buy a Jeffster t-shirt. We buy many products that are product-placed on “Chuck” already, but when we see them, we don’t groan with dismay, but chuckle (get it? WE CHUCKLE) because the placements are both clever and relevant to the…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Perfectly Dreadful Movies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Regretting That Afternoon Nap

    Now I’m wide awake and watching the SciFi Channel’s miniseries, ‘Knights of Bloodsteel’ The four-hour, two-part movie tells the tale of Mirabilis, a mythical land chock full of humans, elves and goblins in which the only thing of value, apparently, is a magical metal called bloodsteel. What little remains is controlled by the awful and horrible Dragon Eye (Mark Gibbon), a monster so ridiculously hideous he looks like he was drafted from a later episode of “The Power Rangers.” There is, as luck would have it, a magic crucible that produces vast quantities of bloodsteel. To ensure that Dragon Eye…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Perfectly Dreadful Movies - SciFi/Fantasy

    Regretting That Afternoon Nap

    Now I’m wide awake and watching the SciFi Channel’s miniseries, ‘Knights of Bloodsteel’ The four-hour, two-part movie tells the tale of Mirabilis, a mythical land chock full of humans, elves and goblins in which the only thing of value, apparently, is a magical metal called bloodsteel. What little remains is controlled by the awful and horrible Dragon Eye (Mark Gibbon), a monster so ridiculously hideous he looks like he was drafted from a later episode of “The Power Rangers.” There is, as luck would have it, a magic crucible that produces vast quantities of bloodsteel. To ensure that Dragon Eye…