What? It’s a game controller. E3: An Indiecade Pluff profile | Technology | Los Angeles Times. Furry new cool kids’ ha-ha joke, since an obscure Pennsylvannia aide to a GOP legislator was arrested soliciting sex from a minor, with the added twist of furversion (which is apparently yiffing with bad intent).
Their grandad wrangled the flipflops while their owners played in the shade, waiting to enter the hula show venue. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Herd O’ Flipflops By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 4.40pm CDT PST UPDATE: We were in line for a hula showcase (being fans of Hawaiian music and culture) and I noticed the guy behind us instructing a bunch of pre-teen girls to stay in sight, and he’d watch their shoes so they could run on the grass lawn in front of Bagley Wright Theatre. This meant that he had to kick a…
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Missed The Pirate Wench Workshop By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 3.25pm CDT PST UPDATE: Drat, there’s always something going on that you’re going to have to miss. This looked like it would have been fun.
Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Gradec Croatian Tamburitza Orchestra By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 3.14pm CDT PST UPDATE: We were waiting for the next act, after a long day wandering around mostly in the corner of the Seattle Center site near the Northwest Court Stage. This room seemed to have become the default “indoor folk venue where we stick acts that don’t have enough draw for a big outdoor stage” place. In years past, there was a coffeehouse vibe and this kind of act was in the Alki Room, a multi-level place with good sight…
UPDATE: And then I saw these guys – two conga players, a maracas player, and two guys playing ELECTRIC mbiras (they were wearing battery powered amps. An empty sound gourd can just be seen in front, decorated with cowrie shells, being used as a tip bowl. The musicians were wearing animal skins and singing – I’m not sure the crowd realized how radical their electrified sound was compared to the trad sound of the other group that was in the Alki courtyard performing area behind me. Ginny I can has iPhone? Via: Flickr Title: Electric Mbira By: GinnyRED57 Originally…
UPDATE: I own a kalimba, a small African musical instrument played on metal keys braced on a soundboard or soundbox. These musicians are playing mbira, larger versions of the same instrument that are attached to calabash gourd sounding bowls. This makes it difficult to see how the artists’ thumbs play the repetitive patterns and melodies. I took more pictures with the big camera trying to lock in an image of how the woman on the right was playing, but the singer’s butt kept getting in the way. These folks were very good, very traditional. Ginny I can has iPhone?…
@moryan celebrates the awesome news from this weekend that #Chuck was renewed. Everybody take a bow who helped #savechuck Awesome news: ‘Chuck’ to return for a third season | The Watcher But as you’ve seen as you read all the stories above, there’s a catch to the “Chuck” renewal. To ensure another season, “Chuck” will have to cut its budget (as is apparently the case with “Dollhouse,” which is also coming back). The show will have to let go a couple of writers, and some actors who were series regulars in Season 2 may only be recurring guest stars in…
San Clemente Church in Rome must be the real-life model of the church from Ngaio Marsh’s mystery novel, “When In Rome.” Although it’s one of her later books, and not the best of them all, it’s got its points, and the mystery takes place in the Mithraic temple 2 levels below the church. Underground Fun: European Edition – Boing Boing What makes San Clemente special is what lies beneath. Take the stairs down from the 12th century church, and you’ll find yourself in a previous incarnation of the Basilica that dates to the 4th century. The light is bad down…
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | A session with Seeger Dropping yet more sugar into his cafe mocha, Pete Seeger laments the withering of his singing voice: “At my age the banjo-playing is shot too”. In fact musician Seeger often seems 20 years younger than he is – although these days what excites him is less his music and more the well-being of the US environment. But this weekend he will quit the Hudson Valley for his native Manhattan and a big concert to celebrate his 90th birthday. On the bill are Bruce Springsteen, Baez and more than 30 other names.…
Some great Twitter-friendly icons fromThree Creams, Four Sugars – More Chuck Icons