I’ve recently enjoyed watching Hair Buddha’s #HairFail reaction videos on Facebook and YouTube. My hair is virgin but fading somewhat now. Have never wanted to dye it. ”Hairdresser reacts to a Donald Trump haircut” Link: Hair Buddha: Hair Fails
Tune in your favorite trippy space music or techno-trance Internet radio station Go to this link. WHAT time is it? I was in a hell of a mood before I found Zen in Cat Bounce. Be sure to make it rain now and then for extra-soothing cat bounciness. Cat Bounce is a website where you can make cats bounce. It’s totally mesmerizing and I’m pretty sure it’s an advanced hypnosis technology that was put in place by the cat army to finally have complete control. via Cat Bounce Has Been Sent From the Future to Ensure Total Cat Domination
BBC News – Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger. Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger The dead badger has been removed and the lines will be painted Workmen painting white lines on a road left a gap for a dead badger because they said it was not their responsibility to move it. The animal had been killed about a week before on the A338 near Downton, on the Hampshire-Wiltshire border. Hampshire County Council said the workers did what they thought “was best” because it is the district council’s job to remove carcasses. The badger has now…
No matter the beauty flaw, there’s a tool to roll it away. Nose too fat? There’s a roller for that. Jowls dangling? Roll them away. Cheeks sagging? Roll them up. Cottage cheese thighs? Roll them bye-bye.
Thank goodness I can get some at the local Japanese supermarket for a variety of dry skin needs!
Yes, Virginia, there IS satire in Utah. Don’t miss the “GOP Values Party!” cartoon…. or the “Senator Orrin McClownshoes” one… or the “Digitally Enhanced Pixelated Basin” one … oh, just keep clicking the little seagull. The Salt Lake Tribune — Pat Bagley Here’s a few selections of Bagley’s cartoons just in July and June: We Republicans are the Values… PARTY!! Digitally Enhanced Pixelated Basin and my personal favorite, now that Al Franken has finally taken his Senate seat: I think that’s Harry Reid on the left (naturally), and it’s definitely Borin’ Orrin on the far right, of course.
What? It’s a game controller. E3: An Indiecade Pluff profile | Technology | Los Angeles Times. Furry new cool kids’ ha-ha joke, since an obscure Pennsylvannia aide to a GOP legislator was arrested soliciting sex from a minor, with the added twist of furversion (which is apparently yiffing with bad intent).
This cartoon via Salon by Keith Knight covers all the essential points about what makes Utah (specifically Salt Lake) “Funique.” Weird liquor laws (which are going away July 1), extremely rowdy, drunk crowds in bars due to either weird liquor laws or everybody acting out to spite the Majority Religion, and FRY SAUCE! Some long-delayed props to Salt Lake by the K Chronicles.
Has your cat been flirting with Firefox while tweeting on #meowmonday? This is the result!! see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Via Padre Mickey’s Dance Party: For All The Star Trek Fans