• Clan: McTiVo - Favorite Things

    NBC Had Better Renew #Chuck Or ELSE

    Don’t Make Us Send Some Ridiculously Large Number of Packages of Nerds Candy to NBC Headquarters! Yes, I’m a nerd. A proud nerd. I like to watch shows nerds watch. So does my husband. And we like to spend money on things nerds like. We would buy a DVD set of “Chuck” should one become available. We (mkay, I) would buy a Jeffster t-shirt. We buy many products that are product-placed on “Chuck” already, but when we see them, we don’t groan with dismay, but chuckle (get it? WE CHUCKLE) because the placements are both clever and relevant to the…

  • Blogs Wot I Read - Favorite Things - Funnies

    Pastafarians celebrate National Day of ARRRRRRRRRRRR – Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

    UnNews:Pastafarians celebrate National Day of ARRRRRRRRRRRR – Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia CORVALLIS, Oregon — Oregon State University (OSU) hosted the country’s largest and only congregation of Pastafarians to participate in the US government’s National Day of Prayer celebration. While the FlyingSpaghetti Monster and his high-cholesterol suffering followers are still not yet recognized by any of the world’s legitimate governments, it is still considered a more believable religion than Scientology and all its stupid Alien DC-9s and Thetan crap. Darn! I totally missed this shit! Well done, OSU, our pants are off to you! Maybe we can all have spaghetti for…

  • Episcopal - Favorite Things - Parish: Holy Moly (ECUSA)

    Holy Moly: The End and the Beginning

    Enough time has gone by since Holy Innocents closed that I think I can now deal with telling the story of the last 2 services held there. There aren’t many photos, because I was struggling with the settings on the camera and also because much of the time, I was holding either a hymnal or the Book of Common Prayer. Christmas Eve was pretty but… it’s already faded into a sort of mish-mosh of previous years. However, a couple of things stand out. First, someone forgot to clue Fr. Steve in on using the little hand-candles for a candlelit portion,…

  • Books - Favorite Things - Funnies - Movies - SciFi/Fantasy

    If You Thought Seven Dwarves Were Tough To Remember

    ((deep, raspy Movie Guy voice)) In a world where evil trolls lie in wait, thirsting for blood, and cruel goblins lurk deep under the middle-Earth, a great treasure lies at the end of an arduous journey…guarded by… a dragon. They are not heroes… they are not mighty warriors. They are refugees on a quest to reclaim their golden birthright. But they've got a problem…  thirteen of them. Bad luck.  They're about to change their luck… by taking on one more traveler, who has no idea what fate awaits him… right after a wild, crazy, and quite unexpected party. Underground. Tom…

  • Clan: McTiVo - Favorite Things

    Hey, It’s That Guy!

    A couple of times recently I spotted a familiar face playing a role in one or another favorite television shows. The first time, I knew in advance that they had a guest spot, and I didn’t recognize him. The second time, I had no idea (or missed the opening credits due to watching via TiVo. In the most recent CSI episode, “Living Legend,” I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes or so. I’m not sure I would have recognized Roger Daltry in the first two roles he played in heavy makeup, because I didn’t recognize him in the second…

  • Favorite Things

    This American Life Backs Into The Future

    the future is yesterday � This American Life to offer free podcast Hurray! Hurray! We’ll get to listen to TAL any day! The blogosphere may sneer at Chicago Public Radio’s archaic method of getting the word out to the masses (they used a traditional news release) but the news is good nonetheless: I’ll be able to listen to TAL when I want, and not accidentally by being in the car when the show is on. That is, apparently they’ll offer the podcast of each week’s show free for 7 days, then it’ll be archived, where you’ll have to find it…

  • Favorite Things

    Google Romance

    First, there was Google. Then, there was Google Mail. Then, Google Images/Video/Maps. Now, there’s Google Romance. If you’re single, this is way, way better than eHarmony, and no annoying ads on late-night TV. They seem to have coordinated with local radio stations, such as Chicago’s WXRT, for this promotion. Isn’t it romantic? Although, it’s a shame that today is the Final Saturday Flashback for WXRT. We’re in the last hour now, so we’re listening to songs from 1978 that Ruined The Nation: Boogie Oogie Oogie and so forth.

  • Favorite Things - Food, Glorious Food

    Happy Birthday To Steve

    We went to Bob Chinn‘s yesterday to help Steve celebrate a birthday. It was a typicaly Bob Chinny experrience: waitstaff in Hawaiian aloha shirts with tropical fish, a huge dining room with the handwashing stations everywhere that were supposed to look like barrels of Myers’ Rum (an ingredient in the famous Bob Chinn Mai Tai) and bits of crab shell and aerosolized drawn butter floating in a fine mist over our heads. A word not often heard at Bob Chinn’s was used: “traife.” Well, most of us were not concerned with that, and we tried to keep the spray and…

  • Favorite Things

    Ricky Gervais’ Big Chance Missed

    Golden Globe winner Ricky Gervais missed his chance today to connect with American public radio listeners. Yes, when Whad’Ya Know? called, Mr Gervais was not at home to Mr. Feldman. So they called some guy whose diner they ate at when they did a road show in the area. It’s a live radio show, and Michael was justifiably disappointed, noting that for once they had managed to book an actual celebrity, instead of some guy that wrote an obscure but quirky book. Oh, wait! As I’m listening in the second hour, they’ve gotten ahold of Ricky Gervais… no. Actually, they’ve…

  • Favorite Things

    What’s Up With Lin?

    WXRT Radio Chicago – On-Air Personality Bios – Lin Brehmer On my way in this morning, I was listening to Lin Brehmer on WXRT and caught the tail end of his show. For some reason, Terri Hemmert was attempting to lure him back into the studio from the window ledge. All very funny, but there was an undercurrent of something that sounded like Management was screwing around with the talent. I have no idea if this was just silly morning schtick, or if Lin’s been let go, because I missed all but the last 5 minutes. The “bumper” song to…