With a board like that, we can look forward to the Grand Ol’ Party putting on the Second Coming of Minnie Pearl, with opening act, TV’s Maharelle sisters. “ Trump said in the announcement, ‘We look forward to restoring the Center to Greatness, and ushering in America’s Golden Age.” Link: Trump names loyalists from Fox News to Kennedy Center board
This was a Ukraininan song, really liked the melody. ”Okean Elzy (Ukrainian: ????? ?????, lit.?’Elza’s Ocean’) is a Ukrainian rock band. It was formed in 1994 in Lviv, Ukraine. It is the most famous and successful Ukrainian music band. The band’s vocalist and frontman is Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. In April 2007 Okean Elzy received FUZZ Magazine music awards for “Best rock act”.” Link: Playlist: Ukrainian song
I’ve recently enjoyed watching Hair Buddha’s #HairFail reaction videos on Facebook and YouTube. My hair is virgin but fading somewhat now. Have never wanted to dye it. ”Hairdresser reacts to a Donald Trump haircut” Link: Hair Buddha: Hair Fails
I need entertainment that doesn’t make me want to repeat the mantra of the current era: “don’t panic.”
Funny how Republicans loved the “p” word when it was about Bill Clinton. Driftglass’s ‘five minutes on David Brooks’ is back. Tick tock! And we’re not exactly accepting the Cheneys and The Bulwark into our tent. Link: Ep 848: Yeah We’re Never Mixing Tea With Lemonade Ever Again — The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. —J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Fellowship Of The Ring” https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34.The_Fellowship_of_the_Ring
Yes, the next book in the series, and yes, only the audiobook was available for borrowing. I’ve put a hold on for a library book, and also waiting on an ebook. Le sigh. #NowReading www.hoopladigital.com/audiobook/search-the-dark-charles-todd/13535076
Can’t finish this via audiobook – the reader’s soothing voice makes me sleep too well. It finally came up as an e-book at the library. As it’s NOT a boring book, I can read it faster than listening to it, without getting so relaxed I doze off. Wings of Fire, by Charles Todd, an Ian Rutledge mystery. The writing, pacing, and characters are solid and the style is beautifully melancholy. The Hamish character, a sort of inner voice, isn’t as intrusive as I thought he’d be. UPDATE: Fell asleep and had a lovely nap after reading 7 or 8…
I can’t wait to watch Eugene Levy cringe and then relax into seeing the world.
I can’t wait to watch Eugene Levy cringe and then relax into seeing the world.