Link: Kim Phillips-Fein for Democracy Journal: The Disappeared
After seeing a lot of tweets yesterday about Up with Chris Hayes and the Melissa Perry-Harris Show, I finally watched both shows (or most of Up and all of MPH) via TiVo. I’ve never watched political wonk shows before (comedy shows like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher shouldn’t count, but they do), and it was fun! They’re shown Saturday and Sunday mornings and seem to have an enthusiastic fan base that hang out on Twitter under hashtags #uppers and #nerdland respectively. A lot of dumb sex-link spambots and anti-factists hang out too, so I quickly learned who was reality-based and…
“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time that the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess,” Obama said. “It’s going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once.” Link: McCain Suspends Campaign, Shocks Republicans – US News & World Report
When Carlos Maza, a gay activist who monitors the National Organization for Marriage, the “moderate” anti-gay marriage group (let’s face it, the ANTI-GAY HATE GROUP) went undercover to attend one of their weekend training sessions, he found himself connecting with another attendee in a surprising way. Read the whole thing, it’s like a spy novel except with Leviticus-spouting Religious Right leaders trying to “turn” a roomful of impressionable college students, instead of Communist moles posing as tweed jacketed leather-patched college professors. Yeah, it’s that complicated. Also, take note of some interesting details: Many of the college attendees were from either…
Take a look at these two pictures. One is from the Plain Dealer article on this story, one is a screencap from Raw Story’s followup. As the miners and their families arrived, they looked like this (some may have been office workers and executives): Amercian coal miners stands with Mitt! Look at how hard they work, in their dirty work clothes and sooty faces! They are obviously real working Amercians! WASHINGTON, D.C. — When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine this month to promote jobs in the coal industry, workers who appeared with him at the…
This is juicy, if a little opaque to the non-Tweety, non-Bloggy, non-Facebooky clueless unlikely voter. The telling point is that he deleted his Linked In profile rather than answer tricky questions about whether his work for the organization would be part of his professional resume. Hat tip: OsborneInk Team Romney’s Social Media Director, Bill Murphy, is the former Director of the National Bloggers Club, a group under IRS investigation for soliciting donations while falsely claiming to be a non-profit organization. Although NBC filed incorporation papers in January, the organization is still absent from both the IRS and GuideStar charity databases.…
In other words, from the beginning of the Bush administration, during which the erosion of middle-class income and the growth of super-rich income accelerated to a gap difficult to bridge. Obama has been hamstrung since day one, although he really should have abandoned bipartisanship when he had the chance in his first two years. Will the middle class remember who’s really to blame? America’s middle-class earners lost significant ground during the last decade as their incomes dropped for the first extended period since World War II, according to a report released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. The decade also…
My church, St Nicholas Episcopal, is located in Elk Grove Village. We run a food pantry 3 Wednesdays a month. I think a lot of our guests would be very surprised to find themselves part of a “culture of dependency.” I think Romney’s appearance in the village, aside from its convenience to O’Hare, is less to do with doing a gun-and-run fundraising appearance and more to do with supporting Reprehensible Joe Walsh (R-Anthrax)’s campaign to retain his seat against the very formidable Tammy Duckworth (D-Gave Her Legs For Her Country). They had a face-off for the Trib editorial board— apparently…
I don’t know if this affects anyone we might know, but even if not, it’s shameful. When sweeping health care cuts take effect Sunday, the parts of Illinois that stand to be hardest hit are the places where folks already are struggling to get by.City neighborhoods like Austin and Englewood, Humboldt Park and Pilsen. Inner-ring suburbs like Cicero. Rust-belt cities like Rockford. Whole swaths of rural Illinois. They’re areas where people make less, jobs are scarce and more rely on the government for help.Medicaid cutbacks mean hundreds of thousands will see health care benefits greatly curtailed, tens of thousands will…
Link: Fortune: ATF Never Purposefully Let Guns Walk During Fast And Furious | TPMMuckraker Of course not Because that would be ridiculous, but easily used against them because the simple lie is more believable than the complex truth. Reality is often messy. There is no narrative structure. One day ahead of a House vote to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, a six month investigation by Fortune magazine found that Arizona-based agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives never purposefully allowed guns to “walk†during Operation Fast and Furious.